CSV export fails

Can you fill out your My Sites so I can take a look?

Also ... note that I've xxxxxxx'ed out the domain name you used in that URL. If the one you used was just at random to "anonymize" your real URL, can you not use it in future, as it links to erm ... well, stuff we don't really want to be linking to! If that is actually your site, then can you replace it with xxxxxxxxx when you post links, and we'll know what to use.

Either way, you'll need to fill out your My Sites so we know where to find you pages.

-- hugh
Hmmm, I don't see anything listed. Do you see any sites actually listed to the left of your posts, where it says "Fabrik Sites"?

Just put the password in My Sites. Set up an account specifically for us, and make sure you disable it when we are not actively working your site for an issue. Only you and "staff" (me and Rob) can see it. Yes, it's in our database in clear text, and theoretically could be hacked. But this is really the only way we can work, where Rob and I both need access to everyone's sites. We've tried doing it other ways, keeping credentials elsewhere, but it just doesn't work, it's too much of an overhead to maintain, we end up spending waaaay too much time going backward and forward between clients and ourselves trying to keep things up to date.

-- hugh
BTW, don't know if you tested it, but try replacing the xxxxxx I put in that URL on your first post with private dot com ... you'll see what I mean, LOL!

Looking at your issue now.

-- hugh
Thanks for the magic. It now works. I would love to know what changes were made so that I and others can resolve the issue on our own.

I'd like to take credit, but I didn't actually do anything. I've been on the road for the last 3 days, attending a family funeral.

The problem you observed is caused when something in the Javascript on your page blows up when loading the page, and prevents our code from initializing the event that handles the export. If that code doesn't run, instead of our code running when you hit the export link (using a 'click' event), it just loads it like a normal page link, and all you see is that JSON output, which would usually get handled by our JS, which would pop up a dialog window showing you a progress indicator and then the download link.

So ... obviously whatever it was throwing an error on your page is now fixed. It could have been anything, not necessarily an error in Fabrik code. Any sufficiently "fatal" JS error from any kind of plugin, template code, extension, module etc. on the page which happens before our init code runs would terminate JS processing during the page load.

-- hugh
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