Custom link not recognizing placeholders

If I try and just load the fb_tratamento_fisiot list I get that same bt_shortcode_system error we told you about a week or two ago, and said you needed to fix:

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required './public_html/administrator/plugins/system/bt_shortcode_system/shortcode/core/generator.php'

And sure enough, if I add that inner join from fb_sessoes_fisioterapia to it, the fb_sessoes_fisioterapia list won't load. If I turn the plugin off, it loads.

BTW, if you load the fb_sessoes_fisioterapia list with fabrik debug, administrator/index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=list.view&listid=12&fabrikdebug=1, you'll see one of the reasons it kinda slow is the number of filters you are loading with the "show recorded data" option (filterValueList_Exact) rather than "show all". This requires an expensive query for each filter, as we have to build the list of recorded data, then query the table by it for the filter options. Just something to bear in mind. It may make more sense to only show values in filter dropdowns which exist in the list you are searching, but it adds overhead.

Anyway ... this took me about half an hour, and it's an issue we already told you about, so that's half an hour of my life I'd like back!

I just took a look, and you are running 2.3.1, there is a 2.3.10 available, which I downloaded here and had a look at the code, and it looks like they've probably fixed this bug.

I've left the BT shortcode content plugin turned off, suggest you go and upgrade it, and try it again.

-- hugh
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