Data field is swapped to div from input when only readable

When a databasejoin field by access rights gets only readable, it is generating as a plain div and no extra class indicating the access. It creates layout and positioning problems in forms not aligning well and a "poor" readability.
When it is editable it is a fine nice select input element with good size and position.
Is there a way to keep the input element and set it readable for this type of element?
Testing in F 3.4.3.
Here is the resulting html for the element:
<div class="row-fluid awgroup-fb_el_d6zoe_awbiz_products___category">
                <div class="control-group fabrikElementContainer plg-databasejoin fb_el_d6zoe_awbiz_products___category  mode-dropdown  span12">
        <label for="d6zoe_awbiz_products___category" class="fabrikLabel control-label fabrikTip" opts="{&quot;formTip&quot;:true,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;top-left&quot;,&quot;trigger&quot;:&quot;hover&quot;,&quot;notice&quot;:true}" data-original-title="">
    Kategori        </label>
<div class="controls">
    <div class="fabrikElement">
        <div id="d6zoe_awbiz_products___category">Produkt
</div>    </div><!-- end fabrikElement -->

    <div class="fabrikErrorMessage">
            </div><!-- end element error -->

</div><!--  end controls -->

</div><!-- end control-group -->       

My wish to have it same style as "Moms" above but of course only "readable".


  • Screenshot from 2016-04-03 17:42:16.png
    Screenshot from 2016-04-03 17:42:16.png
    10.1 KB · Views: 144
That's just how we render read only elements. They are rendered as simple text in a div, not as form inputs. And unfortunately it's not even something you can override in a layout, as we don't call a layout for the read only rendering.

You can use some custom CSS to style it how you want, though.

-- hugh
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