data icon on visualization doesn't seem to work


Active Member
I have a file upload element where users can upload a logo.
I want to use this as data icon but if I choose it, the map markers are gone completely.
you can check it here:

Any idea?
Hmm, it seems you have to set your fileupload to "show in list"=yes (in list view settings) and then you have to select "Data icon path" = img tag in the viz.

Otherwise it's creating a marker "some-path/<img src=...>" (in case of "Show media in list") or
some-path/ ?file ? <a class="download-archive fabrik-filetype-png" title="http://localhost/j35/images/stories/Brucke.png" target="_blank" href="http://localhost/j35/images/stories/Brucke.png"> ? Brucke.png </a> ?" ( in case of "Show media in list"=no)

I assume plugins\fabrik_visualization\googlemap\models\googlemap.php around line 506 should be something like
$iconImg = FArrayHelper::getValue($rowData, $iconImg . '_raw', '');
it works, but since the pics are always the same size (don't change size while zooming), it's hard to see anything if there are a lot of pics on a map.
I guess to make the pics nicer, there'd be some tweaking necessary. Do you think this is worth the effort or am I the only one using this?
We have nothing to do with sizing of images when zooming. I don't even think Google support that, although technically it might be possible to hang events on their zoom trigger and manually scale them, but that would be a lot of work. That's why they call them "icons", not "images". Icons are small, fixed sized.

What I do for that is just put the image in the popup template.

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