"date format unknown for [an int]" in a list view


New Member
I am encountering similar problem like in this thread:

But the "hint" that I get says
date format unknown for 20 replacing with today's date
20, 3, 4, 5 - the number depends on what was used as a prefilter of the Fabrik list. The problem happens, as far as I can tell, only in one list and there's no notification on this list if there is no prefilters.

I can turn off Joomla debugging and the notification doesn't appear so it is not a big problem for me but it looks a little bit weird, as the elements that I am using in the prefilters are not dates. What's more, this list has no date element at all (besides the default date_time one of course). I also haven't updated neither Joomla, nor Fabrik during the last weeks and it still worked just fine a couple of hours ago. The only important changes I've made was adding one value in a dropdown of the list, changing some plugin of this list (onBeforeProcess) and changing values of some of its rows directly in my database. Nothing I wouldn't have done before. I've also turned off all my plugins on the form and as expected, the hint is still there.

Anyway, the issue doesn't seem to be serious or cause any problems but it is obviously some bug so I thought I'd share it so you guys can take a look in your code if you find some free time or maybe tell me what I'm doing wrong (I don't think I have, it just seems like some combination of actions triggered it).

Joomla! 3.8.1 Stable
Fabrik 3.8.0
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