delete button icons

Why does Fabrik emit both "icon-delete" and "icon-minus" on the delete buttons? When both these classes are applied I get no icon at all :-( If just one class or the other class is applied, the minus or x appear on the button.

Obviously not seeing icons is major problem.

I also see missing icons on the popup CSV / email dialogs which I'm assuming are cause by the same thing.

Here's a test site:
I am having a similar problem, but different behaviors with different templates.

With onepage from joomlart - everything seems to display correctly.

With Metropolis from rockettheme - most of the list management buttons (e.g. delete) are missing.

With Stratos from rockettheme - only the delete button is missing, and it displays the same symbol as I see on the screen shot above.

Other than that Fabrik seems to work great.

Btw, I am running J3.1.1, most recent template versions, and Fabrik update from this morning.
I'm running Rocketheme/Chapelco on that test site (and the live site as well) . I found where the code injected the icon-minus and replaced it with icon-delete. I don't get why the two classes -- it should really just be a single class that you can style via CSS. Looks like a fix for a particular site that may have gotten thrown to make something work.
this is the joys of joomla's implementation of bootstrap in that they decided to use the non standard icon library which doesn't conform to the icon names that bootstrap actually uses. IcoMoon (the font set Joomla uses) uses either icon-delete (or icon-minus) and bootstraps standard font set uses the other.

I've not really come up with a great way of fixing this for all sites.

Looking at your example url it seems that both icon-delete and icon-minus are defined, which is the first time ive seen a bootstrap tmpl do that. normally one or the other is defined.
Only thing I can currently suggest is to edit your css and remove the declarations that make reference to icon-minus (or icon-delete)
It is a little more complicated than that. Yes, Joomla implemented a different icon library from bootstrap with some names in common and some not. But some templates also implement font-awesome, which used also to use a similar set of icon names.

So the results are often dependent on the template you use - some templates keep the joomla standard names and icons, some implement the bootstrap icons and some implement font-awesome - sometimes they implement one without disabling another - and most do not provide any sort of compatibility to ensure that e.g. the standard Joomla icons work consistentli

I did produce compatibility fixes for some of these, which I am happy to share if anyone cares to ask me.
It is a little more complicated than that. Yes, Joomla implemented a different icon library from bootstrap with some names in common and some not. But some templates also implement font-awesome, which used also to use a similar set of icon names.

So the results are often dependent on the template you use - some templates keep the joomla standard names and icons, some implement the bootstrap icons and some implement font-awesome - sometimes they implement one without disabling another - and most do not provide any sort of compatibility to ensure that e.g. the standard Joomla icons work consistentli

I did produce compatibility fixes for some of these, which I am happy to share if anyone cares to ask me.

Ok, so i think this explains why I can't see the icons on a fileupload element with ajax enabled on my own template? I'm using bootstrap and I can't see the icon-delete or icon-expand-2 icons and after poking around in the css files I can't see these classes defined anywhere. Sophist, are you still willing to share your fixes please? :)

Thanks, hannah x
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