Display Max Values (of Each Runner's times)


New Member
I've got a runners race database working and I can see the times for all of the runners for each race.

As all of the races are of the same length, I want a listing of the fastest time ever for each runner. I can already get a table to show the times of all runners in ascending order, but if one runner has a couple of times faster than another, they get two records displaying and I just want to show the Personal Best time ("Personal Record" in USA - I think) for each runner.

I've already posted details of the data layout link here

I've been playing around with the group by but I can't seem to get it to work properly.

Any ideas please?


Well you might have run into an area I can't think of a straight forward way of dealing with from Fabrik.

The Group By requires a custom template to deal with as Fabrik has no idea what your data will end up looking like, so has no easy way of knowing how to break up the results.

Maybe there's a trick to Fabrik I don't know about?


tx for quick reply! I don't mind having to create a non standard template to display this data but I've got no idea of how to implement it!

I can see how to apply templates in Forms, but not tables... I could probaly knock something quick and dirty up in php and just use this... more time fiddling means more time learning I suppose ;D


hi simon

i'm creating the same database for a runners team.
I was tryng to get the same . Top ten runners in some categories . Marathon, half marathon.
Did you you find a solution ?


No solution via fabrik I'm afraid. I think I'm just going to have ot hard code the queries in MySql & PHP... :(

Let me know if you find a way....
Don't despair just yet. Rob and I have agreed that we need to add a 'super advanced' mode for both element db joins and table filters, whereby you could write the entire SELECT statement yourself, rather than using the GUI method. Basically a "Yes, I know what I'm doing, and this is the SELECT statement I want to use" way of doing it.

As I need this feature rather badly for a Fabrik app I am building for my wife's site, it's going to be very high on my list when I return from my Thanksgiving travels. My wife has made this abundantly clear. Several times. :)

Watch this ----> <---- space.

-- hugh
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