Element Javascript



Ive used a pre-defined action element javascript to show a hidden field depending on the value of another element. This is working fine.

However, I need quite a long set of actions so I thought that I will need to write my own code (mainly to make use of OR operator) - however I can not get this to work in the same way as the pre-defined actions. I am trying:
It is in the 'item_new' element, and event is set to 'change'

var form = Fabrik.getBlock('form_94');
var itex = form.formElements.get('object_table___item_new').getValue();
var element1 = form.formElements.get('object_table___shape_ann');

if (itex == '38')

but even after various tweeks nothing is working (in testing, the pre-defined doing the same thing is).

Could someone kindly indicate what I am doing wrong, I have tried lots of different variations.

Kind Regards
Best way to approach that is to put your code into a function in a ./components/com_fabrik/js/form_X.js file (where X is the numeric ID of your form), like ...

function doMyThing(el) {
   // the 'el' element object is passed in, and has a reference to the Fabrik form object
   var itex = el.form.formElements.get('object_table___item_new').getValue();
   var element1 = el.form.formElements.get('object_table___shape_ann');

   if (itex == '38')

... then in your element JS for the change event, call that function with 'this' (the element object) as an arg ...


You can then open dev tools (in Chrome, ctrl-shift-i), find your form_X.js in the Sources, and put a breakpoint in that function. Then you can step through the code, see the values of variables, etc.

Doing it this way, being able to debug your code, make it a zillion times easier.

-- hugh

Thank you, will try it that way. Can I just ask if you would consider it best to put any javascript code in the seperate external file? I have used some on a custom details template which is working fine, but is it better to have it in the seperate file?

Many thanks for your help.
I always prefer to have all my JS in one place, in a single file. Makes things like source control easier, and makes debugging a lot easier. But there's no single right answer.

-- hugh
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