Element: User Plugin not displaying "User Data" Name

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I "Updated from GitHub".

For a Element I use the User Plugin and want to display Name as the "User Data", Update on edit = Yes, Hidden = No.

On a list I can see the Element with the user id, not the Name.
In Details/Edit there is no User shown.

What did I do wrong?

Can you confirm you definitely have the file referenced in that commit on your server, and the content agrees with github?

-- hugh
// This is what I have

defined('JPATH_BASE') or die;

$d = $displayData;

echo JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $d->options, $d->name, $d->attributes, 'value', 'text', $d->default, $d->id);

// This is from Git Hub
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die;
$d = $displayData;
echo JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $d->options, $d->name, $d->attributes, 'value', 'text', $d->default, $d->id);

Seems the same to me.

- My application is in a subdomain which has a second Joomla installed. For that installation I updated from GitHUb (and just a second ago to the main one too).
- The application uses different database connection for the data which is usually displayed.
- But generally the User Plugin seems to work as it is able to save the user id in the (different) database


you are right. My main data is using different connection. I tested the User Plugin in a connection where the J! tables are and it is working just fine.
Solution: I moved all my tables into the same database where all J! tables are, edited the list connection keys manually to the fabrik_lists table and one-by-one changed the connections to all databasejoin elements.

Thank you for the help,
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