Elements in Multiple columns


New Member

I am new to Fabrik and am interested in buying it. I just want to see if i can create elements in the same row but different columns.

I would like to have 3 radio buttons along the same row, for instance. Is it the CSS I have to do this? And if so how do I link the button to the correct row/position?

Thanks for any guidance,
In the case of radio buttons and checkboxes it's easy, we provide a 'number per row' parameter. We render them in the order you define them in the admin backend.

With other elements types, you'd have to customize a template, which requires at least a basic grasp of PHP.

BTW, there is no need to "buy" Fabrik, it's Open Source and freely downloadable. You only pay a subscription fee if you want the manual, and to receive higher priority support in the Subscriber Support forum.

-- hugh
example templates


Thanks for your reply, I found the radio/check box row option thanks :) excellent. Nice piece of software and although the working with Joomfish instructions are a little difficult to follow it all went fairly well.

I was wondering, as I don´t have much php experience, if there are any Fabrik form templates i can get? With many of these products they come with examples that give you the ability to figure out how to create something like what you are looking for. Maybe someone has posted examples that people can use?

Well, the templates we ship with (default, mint and bluesky) are the examples. Although most folk tend to just use those without any customization, really they are there as starting points.

There's a post in the FAQ forum which explains how to start the process (cloning one of the samples). From there it's just a case of tweaking the template.php and template.css to suit your needs.

If you search the forums, you should find quite a few examples where we've given specific template customizations.

You will need to have a basic grasp of PHP to do any 'serious' customization, although minor tweaks to the HTML and CSS are easy enough without PHP knowledge.

-- hugh
Thanks, and of course I wrote a good review :)

I think one of the parts of the Joomfish explanation that confused me was in your Joomfish and Fabrik post (it was late at night and sorry, but it seems trivial when I read your explanation and am NOT panicking, unlike I was the other night trying to fix it in the middle of the night!), this is the paragraph here-
If you installed Joomfish before installing Fabrik, then Fabrik will detect this and attempt to automatically copy the required contentelement files to the Joomfish contentelements folder.
If this does not happen automatically or if you install Fabrik after Joomfish then you will need to copy all the files found in...
I?ll have a look for the tips on designing the template layout, even your comment on being able to do most of it through the css and HTML helps as it at least explains to people like me that it is possible just with HTML and css.
