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Error handling if calling a unknown record

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Staff member
A link in an email calling a form where the record is only accessible for the logged in user (list prefilter).
The record is not found (correct) if the user is not logged in.

But Fabrik is throwing a runtime exception "requested page not found" (around line 3223 form.php). Is there a special reason not to do
JError::raiseWarning(500, FText::_('COM_FABRIK_COULD_NOT_FIND_RECORD_IN_DATABASE'));
return false;
to have a "nice" error message inside the normal Joomla page?
I was a little hesitant, in case there was some very specific reason it got changed in 3.1.

But I guess we'll find out, if my change provokes some nasty problems elsewhere. :)

-- hugh
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