Error in search page

Can you try changing that line of code to use JModelLegacy instead of JModel, see if that fixes it.

-- hugh
Thanks Hugh

It kind of works but is now throwing a sql error which I am investigation
Unknown column '' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `b9tfj_extendedreg_users`.`user_id` AS `b9tfj_extendedreg_users___user_id`,

It looks like it was searching for a PK which I have now set as the user_id in that table, although it did throw an error in admin

1091 Can't DROP 'PRIMARY'; check that column/key exists SQL=ALTER TABLE `b9tfj_extendedreg_users` DROP PRIMARY KEY

That aside, it now works - Thanks! :)

Hmmm, I'd be careful setting user_id as the PK, if you are going to be adding rows on that list through Fabrik.

Committing that change to JModelLegacy to github now.

-- hugh
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