Fabrik 2.0b3 ... SVN ???


New Member

I'm migrating from Joomla 1.0.12 to 1.5 and using PHP 5.2.

I've downloaded and installed Fabrik 2.0b3 from the site download section (successfully or so it would appear) as well as all the plugins and mods.

Reading through the forum I'm now unsure whether this is the zip file I should be using or whether I should be creating the install folder using SVN.

Also I'm not too sure what to make of the warning "do not use on production sites" since the comments I read seem to suggest that Fabrik is sufficiently debugged so as to work reasonably well.

I need Fabrik to create tables, collect data and then display data inside content albeit for fairly basic data "names, addresses, URL's,..." directory type stuff. (I'm currently using SOBI2 but need to find a better way of creating directories ie. SOBI2 only works for i.5 in legacy, is packed with features and functions I don't need and on the other hand is too restrictive when it comes to combining data with content).
The warning is really just to cover our asses, LOL! Yes, we feel that 2.0b3 (with SVN updates applied) is solid enough to use in "limited" production usage. But we aren't throwing the doors wide open yet, and won't take that warning off until 2.0 is actually released. There are still bugs, and features which don't quite work right yet. But if you aren't pushing the envelope too hard, and your site isn't tremendously busy, you'll be OK.

My suggestion is you install from an SVN copy. Check out the latest SVN trunk. Export it to a 'clean' copy. In the clean copy, move ./administrator/components/com_fabrik/config.xml up to the top level, then zip up the whole clean directory and install that.

From then on, to upgrade from SVN, you just need to update, export, and ftp files up to the server (in "overwrite if newer" mode, we recomend FileZilla). No need to do the ZIP/install step again.

If you server chokes on the ZIP (Fabrik is big, and we have seen script timeoput and the occasional ZIP problem), just upload the un-ZIP'ed content to somewhere in your J! temp folder, and do an "install from folder".

Your requirements sound very do-able in Fabrik.

-- hugh
Many thanks Hugh for answering my questions so promptly and thoughtfully.

I created my first group a few minutes ago and went on to try to create an element and got this error message:

Fatal error: Class 'FastJSON' not found in /home/directca/public_html/exhibitors/organizations/administrator/components/com_fabrik/views/element.php on line 117

Does this ring a bell. Is this the result of installing from the zip as opposed to going the SVN route?
Hmmm, that shouldn't happen!

Can you make sure you see three json files (json.php, json4.php and json52.php) in your components/com_fabrik/helpers folder on the server?

-- hugh
The three files are indeed there but on the offchance I re-uploaded fresh copies into the helpers folder and "presto bingo" the element function opened fine. Maybe the files got corrupted during the install process!!!

We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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