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Fabrik does not run correctly after ondrej ppa php update


Certified try and error specialist

I'm running my joomla site on a container (virtual server) with a pretty old setup ( Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS).
Due to some joomla updates that requested php 5.4 and higher I had to update my php version.
As it was not possible for me to do that using a Plesk template update I had to use a ppa and have choosen ondrej's one.
This brought an apache update to 2.4.16-3+deb.sury.org~precise+1 as well and
I've had to keep fcgid, perl and python modules disabled.
Now I have PHP 5.5.28-1+deb.sury.org~precise+1 and MySQL 5.5.44-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 running under Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS on my server.
Since this time all my Fabrik lists and views are kind like wired, no sorting, no reaction on pre-filters setup, grouping works only on one page , putting pagination off does not work etc ...
Calculations work
Is there a known issue with my PHP version or something similar?
I got many PHP Notice , Warning and fatal error related to PHP and Fabrik in my error log.

What do you think?

I would be delighted to get an answer as soon as possible.

Thank you


I have the latest I think that is 3.3.2 from April 2015.

I have the following errors / problems that I can not explain:

a) I sort my results tables based on the Total score that is a calc element, worked in the past, does not do anything nowadays.
b) The grouping i.e. group by does not work or it only group for one page.
c) taking pagination off does not work as the system does not take in account the changes (I setup number of rows to empty or to 500, no changes).
d) I have databasejoin elements with add option in the front-end, they work in the registration form that is public. they loop with an empty subform and a loading sign on the update profile form that is restricted to the registered users.

So all in all quiet many problems I did not have in the past.


I got many PHP Notice , Warning and fatal error related to PHP and Fabrik in my error log.

Grouping, pagination... sounds like JS/ajax issues (reason may be error messages in network response).
Did you clear all Joomla and browser cache?
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Well, I did that and it works a little bit better.

I still have 2 issues left:

a) I have 6 databasejoin elements rendered as dropdown list. In 3 of them I have activated the option "add in frontend". On the registration form that is public everything works fine and the public users can add elements to the lists.
On the edit profile form that is opened for registered users only, when the user click on the "+" button, the form opens but is remaining empty and endless loading (see screenshot).

b) I have a list of participants sorted by the row id. This one as the pagination on and I allow grouping. If a user groups after one of the field in the grouping list, the list will group only the rows displayed on the active page and not the full list. Is there a way to apply the grouping to the full list if the pagination is on?

Thanks for your help.

Best Regards



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We'd need to see the page in question, is this on your indoorrowers site? If so which page / url is it on?
Do you get any javascript errors logged to the console?
Hi Rob,

For issue a) the registration page (that works) is public and can be found here http://indoorrowers.org/en/registration
the profile update is only for registered users and I created you a user so you can test it. I send you the credentials via PM.

For issue b) the participants list is public and can be found here http://indoorrowers.org/en/participants

And no I don't see any JS Script error in the logfile.

Thanks for your help.

Hello -
The db join add gives me a js error:
"500 (Unknown column 'irl_8on8.rowerid'......."
(Note js errors are in the browser console, not in the server log files)
So it looks like the field 8on8.rowerid is not published or doesn't exist.


For the group by issue I see what you mean. I've had a go at fixing this in github. So now, if a group by is selected it is prepended to the list query's order by statement, hopefully fixing things so that if you group by sex, you will see all the ladies first then all the men, regardless of the pagination.
This is the related commit https://github.com/Fabrik/fabrik/commit/a7f78bbcb4d19c728b8a391367805ae8817f6bbe
Hi Rob, thank you for checking the issue.
I think that I know where it comes from.
In the menu entry that call the form I use the Fabrik options: Row Id = -1 and keyname = rowerid.
The reason why I'm doing this is that this list is synched with jos_users using the JUser plugin.
In this plugin I have defined jos_users.id = irl_results_2.rowerid as I understood that I should not use the id of irl_results_2 to be synced with jos_users.id.
What I think is wired is that this keyname is used in the where clause to open the add form of the joined table irl_8on8, this should not be the case. This form should open without any kind of where clause as it is an "add" form. What do you think?

If I remove the keyname then this works but I get the wrong rower / user as it looks to the id of the table and not the rowerid.

I will try the gifthub regarding the other issue and let you know.


I tried setting up a test local case but couldn't replicate the bug.
could you fill in an administrator log in account in the "my sites" section please? Don't send a private message with the details as then Hugh will not have access to the account info.

thanks for the support, I have updated mysites and you should now have access to the backend.
Hi, it's me again on this issue. We never get than one solved.
So a small recap as the issue is still remaining.
I have a form to manage a user profile. In this one I have database join elements to select teams and more for this user.
Following scenario:
I log on the web site with my user credentials and then call the menu point "your profile", this one is a form that shows a table where user information are stored and synced over the Juser pluggin. I call this form with the option -1 and rowerid as a key attribute that is synced with the jos_users.id.
The form is then filled with the information from this table related to the user logged in.
One of the attribute is filled using a databasejoin element. So the user can choose out of a list of entries (for example team list).
If I try to add one entry in that databasejoin element using the "+" element then this results in a error 500 because the query wants to use a where clause with the key of the table (in this case rower_id) what is wrong because I do not have any rower_id in the teamlist table.
So how can I avoid this? Is databasejoin the right plugin or not?
Hi troester, I m running Joomla 3.6.2 with the latest fabrik 3.5 level. I migrated mz site and run on PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.17 and MySQLi 5.5.50-0ubuntu0.14.04.1.
The issue I described above is due to the fact that I have synced my rower profile table irl_results_2 with the jos_users table using the JUser Fabrik plugin. But I do not have irl_results_2.id = jos_users.id instead of this I have irl_results_2.rowerid = jos_users.id.
So when I call the form to edit the profile in irl_results_2 I have to use the fabrik option -1 and rowerid as key so that I get the right profile shown for the logged in id.
Now I have build up some dropdown selection field using databasejoin element. And this seems to be a bad idea, because if I a user when he is logged in wants to use the '+' option to add an entry in the list of the databasejoin elemeent then this fail with an error 500 because the sql query is built with a where clause having where rowerid = id of the user logged in.
In the tables that I joined there is no rowerid field.

So, what would be your recommendation ? Set the id of the irl_results_2 to be the synced with the id of jos_users or is that just a bug that this where clause is added.

By the way I tried to use the dropdown element instead but I use the eval option to fill the dropdown list from the table I have then the add option will never work.

PPS : the add option in the dropdown element never worked on my site and has a really wired behaviour.

Hope you can help.

