Fabrik plugin stopped working?

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I was able to solve almost all the issues, at least it is what it looks like by using the following code. I know this is not the right way to fix the issue but I am not able to debug the real issue with in my code base.

if (!class_exists($modelClass))
                                $path = str_replace('/administrator','',$path);
                                if (!file_exists($path))
                                        $path = str_replace('com_fields','com_fabrik',$path);
                                require_once $path;
                                if (!class_exists($modelClass))
                                        JLog::add(JText::sprintf('JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_MODELCLASS_NOT_FOUND', $modelClass), JLog::WARNING, 'jerror');
                                        return false;

- Nikhil
That stack trace looks fine.

I'm pretty much at a loss. The only thing I can think of is that some 3rd party system plugin is resetting the include path.

-- hugh
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