Fatal error : Maximum execution time of 60 seconds .....

Hi team,
I'm sad, because I've got this issue when I want to see a list (Catalogue produit).
This list is based on Right join (categories) and one left join (options), I've the same list without any join (Produits) and seems it's all ok even if Layout have 500 row to show.

All ok it's because if I want the Catalogue product In on way (all entries : 388) I've got the error attach. But I f I make the layout just having 50 or 100 I've got the Catalogue (very longtime but it's show) but my pagination don't work :(

Is this issue is a FB one ? Because when we look on the attach, we could see 60.2231 for PlgFabrik_ElementDate->renderListData()

So : I could not have all my Catalogue, I'm on local machine, and this list have always be long to show, even if My online test (samelist) are very more accurate : like I've to wait 15 secondes for the list on my local machine, and around 4 secondes for the online.
I gonna make the online test this night or tomorrow, but just for sharing this and perhaps have some return from you ;)


  • 60secondes.jpg
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Issues like this usually mean you are using a non-unique key somewhere in your joins, so the main select query is generating a logarithmic-ally increasing number of repeated rows.

Try enabling fabrik debug (on the main Options), appending &fabrikdebug=1 to your list URL, and look at the query we are running for the main getData query. Copy it, and trying running it in phpMyAdmin, see what happens.

-- hugh
Is it your request ?
Into "list GetData:Lots, catalogue commercial" info when &fabrikdebug=1 :
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `pg_lots`.`id` AS `pg_lots___id`, `pg_lots`.`id` AS `pg_lots___id_raw`, `pg_lots`.`date_time` AS `pg_lots___date_time`, `pg_lots`.`date_time` AS `pg_lots___date_time_raw`, `pg_lots`.`ref` AS `pg_lots___ref`, `pg_lots`.`ref` AS `pg_lots___ref_raw`, `pg_lots`.`prog_id` AS `pg_lots___prog_id_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`ref_sci5` AS `pg_lots___prog_id`, `pg_lots`.`surf` AS `pg_lots___surf`, `pg_lots`.`surf` AS `pg_lots___surf_raw`, `pg_lots`.`type` AS `pg_lots___type`, `pg_lots`.`type` AS `pg_lots___type_raw`, `pg_lots`.`etage` AS `pg_lots___etage`, `pg_lots`.`etage` AS `pg_lots___etage_raw`, `pg_lots`.`prix_internet1` AS `pg_lots___prix_internet1`, `pg_lots`.`prix_internet1` AS `pg_lots___prix_internet1_raw`, `pg_lots`.`prix_internet2` AS `pg_lots___prix_internet2`, `pg_lots`.`prix_internet2` AS `pg_lots___prix_internet2_raw`, `pg_lots`.`etat_com` AS `pg_lots___etat_com`, `pg_lots`.`etat_com` AS `pg_lots___etat_com_raw`, `pg_lots`.`diff_internet` AS `pg_lots___diff_internet`, `pg_lots`.`diff_internet` AS `pg_lots___diff_internet_raw`, `pg_lots`.`plan_url` AS `pg_lots___plan_url`, `pg_lots`.`plan_url` AS `pg_lots___plan_url_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`id` AS `pg_programmes___id`, `pg_programmes`.`id` AS `pg_programmes___id_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`date_time` AS `pg_programmes___date_time`, `pg_programmes`.`date_time` AS `pg_programmes___date_time_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`ref_sci5` AS `pg_programmes___ref_sci5`, `pg_programmes`.`ref_sci5` AS `pg_programmes___ref_sci5_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`nom_com` AS `pg_programmes___nom_com`, `pg_programmes`.`nom_com` AS `pg_programmes___nom_com_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`ville` AS `pg_programmes___ville`, `pg_programmes`.`ville` AS `pg_programmes___ville_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`cp` AS `pg_programmes___cp`, `pg_programmes`.`cp` AS `pg_programmes___cp_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`map` AS `pg_programmes___map`, `pg_programmes`.`map` AS `pg_programmes___map_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`etat_chantier` AS `pg_programmes___etat_chantier`, `pg_programmes`.`etat_chantier` AS `pg_programmes___etat_chantier_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`bbc` AS `pg_programmes___bbc`, `pg_programmes`.`bbc` AS `pg_programmes___bbc_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`tva7` AS `pg_programmes___tva7`, `pg_programmes`.`tva7` AS `pg_programmes___tva7_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`etat_com` AS `pg_programmes___etat_com`, `pg_programmes`.`etat_com` AS `pg_programmes___etat_com_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`attrib_com` AS `pg_programmes___attrib_com`, `pg_programmes`.`attrib_com` AS `pg_programmes___attrib_com_raw`, `pg_programmes`.`date_livraison` AS `pg_programmes___date_livraison`, `pg_programmes`.`date_livraison` AS `pg_programmes___date_livraison_raw`, `pg_lot_options`.`id` AS `pg_lot_options___id`, `pg_lot_options`.`id` AS `pg_lot_options___id_raw`, `pg_lot_options`.`date_time` AS `pg_lot_options___date_time`, `pg_lot_options`.`date_time` AS `pg_lot_options___date_time_raw`, `pg_lot_options`.`author` AS `pg_lot_options___author_raw`, `udkmp_users`.`username` AS `pg_lot_options___author`, `pg_lot_options`.`opt_resa` AS `pg_lot_options___opt_resa`, `pg_lot_options`.`opt_resa` AS `pg_lot_options___opt_resa_raw`, `pg_lot_options`.`etat_com` AS `pg_lot_options___etat_com`, `pg_lot_options`.`etat_com` AS `pg_lot_options___etat_com_raw`, `pg_lot_options`.`lot_id` AS `pg_lot_options___lot_id_raw`, `pg_lots_0`.`ref` AS `pg_lot_options___lot_id`, `pg_lot_options`.`etat_gdv` AS `pg_lot_options___etat_gdv`, `pg_lot_options`.`etat_gdv` AS `pg_lot_options___etat_gdv_raw`, `pg_lot_options`.`etat_mod` AS `pg_lot_options___etat_mod`, `pg_lot_options`.`etat_mod` AS `pg_lot_options___etat_mod_raw`, `pg_lot_options`.`date_end` AS `pg_lot_options___date_end`, `pg_lot_options`.`date_end` AS `pg_lot_options___date_end_raw`, `pg_lot_options`.`com` AS `pg_lot_options___com`, `pg_lot_options`.`com` AS `pg_lot_options___com_raw`, `pg_lot_options`.`form_url` AS `pg_lot_options___form_url`, `pg_lot_options`.`form_url` AS `pg_lot_options___form_url_raw`, `pg_lot_options`.`contact_name` AS `pg_lot_options___contact_name`, `pg_lot_options`.`contact_name` AS `pg_lot_options___contact_name_raw`, `pg_lots`.`id` AS slug , `pg_lots`.`id` AS `__pk_val` FROM `pg_lots` LEFT JOIN `pg_programmes` AS `pg_programmes` ON `pg_programmes`.`id` = `pg_lots`.`prog_id` RIGHT JOIN `pg_programmes` AS `pg_programmes_0` ON `pg_programmes_0`.`id` = `pg_lots`.`prog_id` LEFT JOIN `pg_lot_options` AS `pg_lot_options` ON `pg_lot_options`.`lot_id` = `pg_lots`.`id` LEFT JOIN `#__users` AS `udkmp_users` ON `udkmp_users`.`id` = `pg_lot_options`.`author` LEFT JOIN `pg_lots` AS `pg_lots_0` ON `pg_lots_0`.`id` = `pg_lot_options`.`lot_id` ORDER BY `pg_programmes`.`id` ASC,`pg_lots`.`prix_internet1` DESC
run into phpMyAdmin give me an alerte :
#1146 - Table 'pgtest.#__users' doesn't exist
`pg_lot_options`.`author` is a users's plugin element stuff.
In Joomla, if you specify a table starting #__ (# and two underscores) Joomla replaces the # with the Joomla database prefix for your Joomla site. So, looking at the SQL you probably need to replace #__users with udkmp_users.
Thanks and this is logic too for me,
but at this time, I really don't anderstand how I could interact with this FB List creation Querry and so update the #__users by the right joomla database prefix .... :(
You don't need to do that in Fabrik / Joomla because Joomla handles it - but if you copy and paste the SQL into phpMyAdmin, then you need to replace the #__ with your Joomla DB prefix.
Ok so I decide to unpublish all date elements (Got 4 differents, 3 by default ( Categorie / Product / option) and one With an Eval)
from this list and see ..... AND Wouaaaa !!!!!

I've the Full catalogue with my 338 entries group by Categories without any error or notice ... YES. Replublish Defaults one and Same I've my List....Republish The Eval one ... Got the Error.

here my Eval :
$date = new DateTime('NOW');
$date->add(new DateInterval('P3D'));
return $date->format('Y-m-d') . "\n";

I want to add 3 Days, When this option is create for having a validate periode, so I'm preatty sure now, the issue is from My Date Element and it's eval .... SOPHIST WHY YOU DON'T EXPLAIN THIS IN YOUR EVAL NOTICE ? ;) .
Any help ?

I want that this element could be update by someone else, but by default this do the trick ....
The code looks correct (as per example 1 on the php manual page http://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.add.php).

I am assuming that this code is in the Default box of a date element with Eval set to Yes?

When I try this it seems to work fine. Are you using the latest Github as there have been several changes to the date element recently?
Fresh install ... Up todate from Joomla and Fabrik, same errors before I unpublish all dates from elements !
Date_time create by default and no error ! Strange ...
I've a local Wampserver under windows with : php 5.4.16 and apache 2.4.4
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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