Form get hacked



We just got hacked.
Somebody added data to our one of our Forms.
How it is possible? Is there any direct link to the forms?

Please advise,
What are your list's access settings?
If something is set to public (add/edit) ... it's public.
How I can find our permissions settings?

As Troester said, it's the "list access settings". So List settings, Access tab. Should be self explanatory. In particular, make sure at least your "Edit records" and "Add records" are set properly. If they are set to "Public", then yes, anyone can add or edit records.

Is there any direct link to the forms?

Yes. Anyone can try the index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=list&listid=123 link, or the &view=X&rowid=Y, either if they know the list/form ID, or just start from 1 and work upwards, and if your list access settings don't prevent them, they can see, edit and add records.

There is a new "Menu Access Only" option (under the same list access settings tab) which when enabled will not allow component link access unless the link has a menu item query string arg (&Itemid=X) which matches a valid Fabrik menu item ID, but unless you've updated from GitHub recently, you probably don't have that option.

-- hugh
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

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