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form not submitting


Hello I have a website with many forms - contact form, reservation form, feedback from and newsletter form. Newsletter form most of the time do not want to submit. The other one works fine as far as I see. Can you please take a look at this?
Newsletter form is on every page with website in the bottom of the page and is in the page newsletter in component place.
It doesn't have any extra plugins published . I check it with protostar template and bootstrap form template and problem was also appearing.
There is an error field appearing over the field but it is empty.

Thanks in advance for all your help:

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None of the Fabrik javascript is loading on that page. I'll need an admin login to see what's going on.

-- hugh
What page has the module on it? I don't see one on the home page, and your test site is locked via cpanel)
It seems you have some sort of email validation active (red border on every key click as long as it isn't a valid email).

Did you set Fabrik form ajax validation? Or is it a 3rd party one?

I can't see any Fabrik JS loading (but a lot of other compressed? stuff).
I'm still totally at a loss as to why our JS isn't loading. Going to have to get with Rob on this. I can't replicate the issue locally. Seems to be something on your site which is conflicting with Fabric, but I can't work out what.

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well I am very confused myself. I remove form from the module right now and eave it only in newsletter menu. Sometime it submit and sometime not.
I try to unpublish jce media box plugin , date module and slideshow ck, but as before one time it sends other time no.
There is nothing else really that could be blocking fabrik I think o_O
After I removed slideshow ck from newsletter page
well is that not the issue? I would imagine that the slideshow generated a js error that stopped our JS from running?
Could you fill in the site ftp details? I'm going to have to debug on the site to work out what is happening
Thank you all for your time and help! You are an amazing team!
I make a newsletter menu a fabrik form item and this seems to fix the problem. Before newsletter form wasn't assigned to any menu item.
I am checking this, because after is submitted it redirect to other fabrik lists, but at least it s submiting
ignore that ! I see that the js files are not even loaded

That's what is confusing me, it's not just that they aren't loading, but none of the framework / requirejs code is included at the end of the page. So something is going wonky on the server side.

-- hugh
I tried using a form which I don't have a menu item for, in the custom HTML module, but I still can't replicate the issue of our framework stuff just not getting included on the page.

-- hugh
oh well if its working now! who knows :eek:
If you get this issue again I will take a deeper look, but I agree with Hugh there is/was something funky going on in the server rendering of the page.