Form plugin Receipt and Email are not working?


My form plugin Receipt and Email suddenly aren't working? No Emails are send out!
Anyone knows what to do...?
Can you send any email directly from Joomla (registration, massmail...)?
Joomla has changed the mail handling
Yes that works fine! have tested both on our email and in joomla both are working fine...?
Have tried setting up a new Receipt and also Email for the form instead but nothing seems to help.. Last time it sent and email from that form it was 11 april!!
Are you mailing fileupload elements with setting "Show image in email"? Or other attachements?

Joomla sendmail does not longer tolerate empty attachements (e.g. from empty fileupload elements...)
You can try to change those settings.
Backup! and then update from GitHub (joomla3 branch).
It seems to be only on this form that no plugins are working? I testet on another form and it sends like normal?
Okay maybe i should make a hole new tread?
There are non of the plugins for this form that are working? But the same plugins are working fine on other forms!?
solved it!! :D

Invalid address: Evotec
From adresse needs to be a valid email adresse!

Puha.. that was why it worked on some form and not on others! :rolleyes:
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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