Form submission IE9


I have created some basic forms in Fabrik 3 that send an email on submission and seem to work everywhere except IE9. In IE9 when the submit button is clicked nothing happens.

Anyone else have this problem?
hi, sound like a javascript error, can you point us at the page?
Just tested and it works fine with latest Firefox and IE8.

If nobody tests sooner I'll test on IE9 later on another machine.
It looks like it, I think this is one for Rob or Hugh.

It does look like something is using jquery on your page though, so maybe it is conflicting. If you can identify what it is and disable it, it may help with diagnosis.


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I am seeing the same issue on IE 9. The form works in chrome and firefox but does not submit in ie9. and do not work and the formatting is all whacky. However does seem to work and the formatting looks good. .

I thought it might only apply to recently created or saved forms. However, I created a test form with only one field element and that seems to be working.

I'd appreciate any thoughts on this.

I noticed that clicking the 'compatibility' button on ie9 will fix the formatting. However, the forms still will not submit.

I checked the forms settings for the application form which works and the tours form which does not. The settings seemed identical.
I'm still having the submit issue with IE 9. Just wondering if anyone has looked at this.


Can you enable Fabrik debug on your site (in the global params, button top right of Lists tab), so I can force it to load the uncompressed JS files?

There's a JS error on page load in IE9, but I can't tell what it is without the uncompressed JS.

-- hugh
I just downloaded and installed Fabrik-fabrik-3.0.5-462-g09af05d from Github and the problem remains. I was wondering if you had any ideas.


I just downloaded the latest from Github today and I am still having the same issues. ie the tour form on the bcsbc site mentioned in an earlier message in this thread will not post.

I'd really appreciate any thoughts. I did turn the debug on as you had requested earlier. LEt me know if that isn't working properly.

I think I found the problem. I usually use the JCE editor. I started to think that the problem might not be fabrik but something else. It turned out that the problem WAS elsewhere.

I took a look at another menu item that also was an article with an embedded form. That worked fine. However, when I tried to clean up the HTML and save the tours article, I was getting an error of 500 - An error has occurred. Layout edit_row not found. That seemed to indicate that something was corrupted inside the article.

I copied the text, deleted everything from the article and then pasted it in as plain text. NOW THE FORM IS WORKING IN IE 9.

To sum it up, the main problem was not with Fabrik. It was something that was corrupted in the article where the fabrik form was embedded with {fabrik view=form id=23}

Hope this helps if anyone else runs into a similar issue.
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