Form with drag and drop of topic numbers automatically numbering/ Logfile



we are planing a web application for the administration of documents.

Since I worked already with FABRIK I am considering to use it again, BUT I have to confirm a certain functionality my customer requested.

So structured documents and their elements will be defined as a list ?documents? with ?normal? attributes like title, short descr. date etc.

Each document will also have an element ?topics? like

1 topic Text input ?..

1.1 topic Text input ?..

1.2 topic Text input ?..

1.2.1 ?

1.2.2 ?

2 topic Text input ?..

2.1 topic Text input ?..

3 topic Text input ?..

Of course the number of topics (and subtopics) can vary, just like creating a numbered list in WORD.


While inputing the topics in the form we need the following functionality and the question is whether this is possible with FABRIK?

? entering the topics should automatically generate he numbers in front.

? using tab-key (or a button?) should generate a sup topic

? using shift tab (or a button?) should move the topic one level up

? it should be possible to ?delete? topics while working on them

? it should be possible to ?move? topics VIA DRAG and DROP

o within the same hierarchy level

o under another topic so it becomes a subtopic

o it would be like moving a menu point in wordpress up/ down/ under another menu point

o when doing this the numbers have to adapt so 1.2 turns into 2.1 f.e.


A short comment / hint how to realize the several functions would be appreciated to give me an idea o fit and would help me a lot to feel safer in the project.

Another question is whether all ?FABRIK? actions by users can be logged in an log file?

Thanks a lot for your support!

Kind regards from Germany,

Nope. Sorry. That would be a huge amount of custom work. Fabrik can do a lot, but that would be trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole. You'd be better off writing something from scratch to handle that.

-- hugh
Hello Hugh,

thanks for your reply. Hope you are well!!!
If I just found somebody to programm only that input form and to store it in a FABRIK list I could still use fabrik from my point of view. Or would you totally do it from scratch? I tend to the first...
Do you know anybody who could program that (based on more detailed specs)?

isiway (Carola)
I don't know of anyone with the combination of skill sets and Fabrik experience who could do it. If you can find some kind of 3rd party jQuery widget or plugin that does that kind of topic handling, producing some structured document, it might be possible to integrate it.

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