• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

Fullcalendar question


Right now we can only choose 1 element that will be display in the calendar, but i would like to have 2 elements concatenate.
Possible to override this with placeholders somewhere ?
I can do what i want in the popup, but can't find how to display what i want in the calendar itself.

You mean the 'label' in the calendar? That can only be a single element. The workaround is to use a calc element that concatenates the multiple element placeholders you wanted to display, so if you wanted to (say) have the event title and a city name ...

return "{yourtable___event_name} in {{yourtable___city}";

Then use that calc as the label.

NOTE that I don't think the calendar runs calcs when it loads the data, so you'd have to either edit and save your existing events after adding the calc (to force the calc to run and save to the database), or (if you've got a lot of events) run a query by hand in phpMyAdmin (or whatever) to manually set the existing rows ...

UPDATE yourtable SET your_calc = CONCAT(event_name, ' in ', city);

... or whatever CONCAT you need for the desired result.

And of course, backup your database before doing any kind of manual operation on it.

-- hugh
Yeah i thought about the hidden calc i could do..i was just wondering if there was an easier way to do this with an override somewhere, cause if in 2 months somebody here ask me something else to show, i will have to work like a monkey to do it again without any loss...
Nope, no layouts for that, it's all hard coded queries, via AJAX, and returned as JSON to the client side.

-- hugh