Future of Fabrik Meeting

I’m interested, but doubt I have any skills of much use. I’m a proficient Fabrik user, but that’s about it.

Definitely interested in the outcome of the outcome of the meeting too!

Whatever happens, thank you to everyone who has made fabrik the incredible tool it is!
Any idea of when and what form this meeting will take?
Obviously, no date has been set, yet. I'm sure Robbie will inform us in time ahead. And, yes, she's aware of timezones. ;)
What form? Well, I think it's safe to say it'll be in some virtual format...
I would like to attend this meeting and I am also available to help you to save FABRIK.
We have seen it growing and it’s very sad that a project with so much to offer ends like this.
I have for instance sent you an email and have not heard back a word and therefore was left to believe that it has all gone further south.
Does the absence of response from mean nothing has happened since I emailed on the 17th of April? Or does it mean, I was not considered a fit to even reach out to?
I can’t speak for Media A-Team, but…
Does the absence of response from mean nothing has happened since I emailed on the 17th of April?
… that seems correct.

Or does it mean, I was not considered a fit to even reach out to?
I don’t think that’s the case.

“All good things take time,” as they say. Just remain patient.
Oh well, if there would be nothing happening for some months, people wanting to contribute will likely move on, as will users.
In other words, what is holding up the process?
If it is going to be done tomorrow, why not do it today?
What is the benefit of behind curtain discussions?
Am I the only one asking these questions, and if not, where is it being discussed?
Oh well, if there would be nothing happening for some months, people wanting to contribute will likely move on, as will users.
In other words, what is holding up the process?
If it is going to be done tomorrow, why not do it today?
What is the benefit of behind curtain discussions?
Am I the only one asking these questions, and if not, where is it being discussed?
Why the hectic, why the panic?
Fabrik is working fine with J!3, and J!3 will be around for another long time.

Getting Fabrik e.g. onto J!4 is a huge task (as in "huuuuuuuuuge"), and will cost many expert coder hours... actually rather several months at the least.

Doing anything well is certainly more advisable than rush-rush, wouldn't you agree? So, all considered, nothing depends on a day, or even week or however long it'll take, I dare saying. Unless you have a nice fat 6-digit amount of dollars lying around to throw it at Fabrik, of course... then it'll start yesterday! :D
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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