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Github updates breaks IE9 list layout

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New Member
I just installed the latest github (Fabrik-fabrik-3.0.5-983-g682fa28) and now the table layout in IE9 displaces the filter box off the right side of the screen -see screenshot

I've tried the default beez2 and beez5 templates but same thing. Suggestions?

I'm using Joomla 2.5.4 and Fabrik 3.0.6.
As an addendum, is there any way to install just the Fabrik 3 cascadingdropdown plugin without the full github update? That would avoid the above problem.
It's only IE9 in compat. mode breaking the layout (I can't see any recent modification in the default or bluesky CSS)

You can add
#listform_$c ul.fabrik_action {float:left;}
to custom_css.php of your list template.
Hey Troester,

Does adding that damage the format in any other browser? If not,we could just do that in the main template CSS.

-- hugh
It's ok (tested in FF and Chrome).

But you won't get the buttons at the right side by removing this one

#listform_$c .fabrik_buttons{
/* remove this if you want the top menu bar to be on the right hand side*/
float:left !important;
At some point, I may give in to temptation and start leveraging the fact that our CSS is now generated through PHP, and start adding options to the query string that loads them, so we can produce CSS which follows optional settings on the form / list.

I don't want to add the overhead of loading the J! framework and Fabrik models in the actual template_css.php files, in order to access configurable list / form settings ... but we could add certain layout options to the query string, when we add the CSS includes when rendering the list / form.

So if we had an option on the list like "Button bar position: right / left / top" or whatever, and add that as an arg to the list template_css.php URL when rendering the list, like &button_bar_position=right, then include the styling accordingly in the CSS PHP.

But I'll have to discuss that with Rob.

-- hugh
OK - just dropped troesters #listform_$c ul.fabrik_action {float:left;} into the template_css.php for bluesky and it's working fine now - seems to not affect other browsers - tested OK with IE9, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari - only tested with latest versions of these browsers.

Thanks for the help guys.
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