google map not appearing since last update


Hi there, i do have googlemap element that had been working perfect until the latest
github update.
The geolocation field appears and also the GPS positions if i want them to appear.
But the map element does not appear.
Could someone with the latest github update just check if the element is fine !?
thankx in advance!
It's working on my site (list,form,details; latest Git, Jooma3.2).
Did you clear all Joomla/browser cache?
Any JS error?
mmmh, ok there are really some problems sorry for me not checking that.
It looks like the tips and maps js is not loaded.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Constructor' of undefined tipsBootStrapMock-min.js:1
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'popoverex' tipsBootStrapMock-min.js:1
Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: fab/window-min,fab/elementlist-min require.js:1746
GET 404 (Not Found)

thanks for your hint and help!
Ok, so if anyone else encounters this problem: with the last Joomla update something went wrong as jQuery is trying to trigger
the jUI map but for some reason that does not exist in the folder.
What i have done is to download the file from the jQuery website and upload it manually.

Now only the first two "uncaught TypeError" errors are showing in my console.
As far as i can see it, there seems to be a problem with the theme/template but i am not sure at the moment.
Will keep you updated.
Ok, now this is very strange. WHEN I AM logged in, the map does NOT appear but all the other map related
"add ons" like the geocode field and button and also the LatLong is viewable. Simply the map does not appear.

But if i am NOT logged in, then everything including the map appears.

It looks like something saying "if userlevel > public then do not show map but all other googlemap public related things"

Is this possible somehow?
troester: do you have your example somewhere online?
in my case it looks like the map.js is not loaded.
so the div and everything is created but the google maps js reference in the head or similiar is not loaded so that the DIV with the id MAP
does not load anything in it.
Hi troester,
i am using my own template so this is realy strange. i uploaded the mentioned .js file and now the error in the console is gone but the map
still does not appear.
Do you know what the thread in your mentioned link means abou the API key with saying "...and paste it in the general Fabrik's options relevant field..." ?

i realize that when i am on the detail view, the map shows up, while when i am
on form view to add a record, the map does not show up. Any suggestion where
my error might be?
Ok, i found out something:
When i have only the googlemap element, then the map appears on my form.
As soon as i activate an other element, the map does not appear.
Any ideas how this can be?
I'm trying to see if I can replicate the Google map display.

Can you confirm that the issue with the file is only happening in Chrome?

JS map files are a relatively new Chrome debugging aid, which have nothing to do with Google maps. The .map files allow developers to "map" a compressed JS file on to a non-compresed one, so they can debug production sites without having to fully enable debug mode on the server side and load everything uncompressed. It's kind of "debugging on demand" for minified JS.

So if you are debugging a site in production mode, so all the scripts are minified, and an error gets tossed, if the JS file tossing the error says it has a map (which jQuery does) Chrome's JS debugger will automatically attempt to load it, and show you the full file in the debugger.

Long story short, J! will need to start shipping the .map for jQuery.

Note that I *think* this should only effect people who have used Chrome's dev tools on a given site, so your users probably won't see it.

If it bugs you, you can of course just upload the missing .map file, from jQuery's site, to the specified location. Or you can turn off the .map feature in Chrome's dev tools.

-- hugh
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