HELP: error edit element


New Member
I updated both Joomla and Fabrikar to the last versions (Joomla 3.6.5 and fabrikar 3.8.1).
When i try to edit elements i get this error:
atal error: Can't use method return value in write context in /....../administrator/components/com_fabrik/models/element.php on line 372
I just asked the same thing in another thread. I found a temporary solution by commenting line 372
You must be using PHP 5.4 or earlier. Fabrik requires PHP 5.5 or greater, and all active development is done in PHP 7.1, with work underway for 7.2.

You can fix it in your copy by changing the line in the file referenced in the error message from ...

$isView = !empty($listModel->isView());

... to ...

$isView = (bool)$listModel->isView();

-- hugh
But your REALLY should update your version of PHP. You are using a version which was "end of lifed" years ago, is no longer even getting security updates, is much slower than the latest versions, and which may well cause problems elsewhere in Fabrik.

-- hugh