How do I disable submit button on forms for some users

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I think navigator.cookieEnabled should work in most versions of IE. So something like ...

requirejs(['fab/fabrik'], function () {
   Fabrik.addEvent('fabrik.form.loaded', function (form) {
      if (!navigator.cookieEnabled) {

... in a components/com_fabrik/js/form_X.js file (replace X with numeric id of form) should do it.

You could do it with jQuery(document).ready(function() {...}), and select the submit button with vanialla JS, but doing it with the Fabrik event is just convenient, as you get passed a reference to the form object you can then use to get the button with _getButton(), and don't need to worry about what the form ID is.

But just for completeness ...

jQuery(document).ready(function () {
   if (!navigator.cookieEnabled) {
     // replace X with your numeric form ID, or use some other selector

-- hugh
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Thanks @hugh

But I can't make the js-script work. It's loaded to the form and with no js-errors...

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Ah, sorry, I thought you meant check if they have cookies enabled globally.

To test for a specific cookie for this page, you have to look in document.cookie.

On your page, before clicking "accept", document.cookie is empty. After accepting, it is ...

"SL_GWPT_Show_Hide_tmp=1; SL_wptGlobTipTmp=1; plg_system_eprivacy=2018-10-04; _ga=GA1.2.98151043.1538684038; _gid=GA1.2.933974887.1538684038; _gat=1"

... and I presume you want to make sure the plg_system_eprivacy one is set, so something like ...

jQuery(document).ready(function () {
   // cookies disabled entirely, or eprivacy cookie not present?
   if (!navigator.cookieEnabled || !document.cookie.test('eprivacy') {
     // replace X with your numeric form ID, or use some other selector

If you wanted to, you could also test the date in the cookie value. Although I presume that plugin should correctly handle expiring it.

-- hugh
Sorry, still no success to hide the submit button.

Placed the code in a file components/com_fabrik/js/custom.js

It has to be named form_X.js (where X is the numeric form ID). A file called custom.js won't get loaded.

As per my first reply:

... in a components/com_fabrik/js/form_X.js file (replace X with numeric id of form)

-- hugh
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
   // cookies disabled entirely, or eprivacy cookie not present?
   if (!navigator.cookieEnabled || !document.cookie.test('eprivacy')){
     // replace X with your numeric form ID, or use some other selector

Now it works much better!

I updated the code to show an alert. But is possible to show a message beside the Submit button instead?
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
   // cookies disabled entirely, or eprivacy cookie not present?
   if (!navigator.cookieEnabled || !document.cookie.test('eprivacy')){
        alert('Please, Accept cookies before submitting the form');
     // replace X with your numeric form ID, or use some other selector

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But sadly. with IE 8 and older the script don't work.
It would be just fine if it just blocked those user and showed them a message instead of the form. Is it doable?

Yes, I know. But many big organisations here in Sweden are very slow to update, and they are using our sites...
But is possible to show a message beside the Submit button instead?

No Fabrik magic involved, just use vanilla Javascript, or jQuery, to insert something into the DOM. So for example, the jQuery insertBefore() method:

jQuery('<div>YOUR MESSAGE HERE</div>').insertBefore('#fabrikSubmit_X');

As before, replace X with your form ID, or use some other selector.

-- hugh
Digging deeper, it seems like you can't rely on navigator.cookieEnabled in any version of IE, because ... well, of course you can't, this is IE.

jQuery(document).ready(function () {
    // workaround for IE, make sure cookies are enabled by actually setting one (if currently empty)!
    var cookies = ("cookie" in document && (document.cookie.length > 0 ||
       (document.cookie = "test"), "test") > -1));

   // cookies disabled entirely, or eprivacy cookie not present?
   if (!cookies || !document.cookie.test('eprivacy')){
     // replace X with your numeric form ID, or use some other selector
     jQuery('<div>Please, Accept cookies before submitting the form</div>').insertBefore('#fabrikSubmit_X');

-- hugh

Thanks @cheesegrits
The scripts works fine, and its works the same way for all browsers, but that's ok. I just added an pop up to inform the users to accept cookies.
For users with old IE browsers I added a PHP form plugin to redirect them to a page with information about to update the browser.

Sadly I have to abandon this solution, because of IE 11 with compatibility mode.
I instead uses a message that state "this site uses cookies"...

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