How to adjust size and layout of " Advanced Search" pop up box


New Member
Is there a way to adjust the size and layout of the popup box for advanced search?

It looks like a fantastic little tool but the current layout takes up a lot of space with our layout.

Perhaps their is a way to simply ad it to the top of a table view and leave it visible all the time?

There's no built in, simple way of doing this.

To get it as part of the main page, you'd need to edit the advanced filter PHP in fabrik_table.class.php (around line 2210) and the JavaScript for the searchBox class in table.js. I don't know how much work it would be - I've kind of steered clear of that area of the code, as it gets pretty intense, and my Golden Rule is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

You might be able to tweak some of the styling to reduce the size of the popup, but unless you do it with CSS, you'll be stuck having to fold your changes into any updates we release. Unless we could merge your changes into the main code tree.

-- hugh
you could try styling it in your table template, the whole advanced search box is contained within a div whose id is "advancedFilter"

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