How to change the text in the 'add' link of the list view


Hi, maybe I'm missing something but I have not found yet an option in the Fabrik backend to change the text of the "(+) Add" link displayed above a list view. Instead of "Add", I would like to display something more specific for that list, like "Add a category of documents". Of course, different lists should have different "Add" texts.
What do you think could be the fastest way to achieve that? Javascript? CSS? Different custom template for each different list?
Oh my gosh... I swear I checked multiple times all the options and I wasn't able to see that!

I was just testing some js code like this:
var $addbtn = Fabrik.getBlock('list_XX').form.getElementsByClassName('addbutton')[0];
$addbtn.innerHTML = '<i data-isicon="true" class="icon-plus"></i> MY CUSTOM ADD LABEL';

and it appears to work, but using the 'Add button label' in the backend is much nicer! :) Thank you very much and sorry for the stupid post! :oops:
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