How to include Calendar in template



I am trying to include calendar into my template via K2 Extra fields.

Putting this {fabrik view=visualization id=3} doesn't work. I guess I need to use php code to do it.
Please can you guide me with this ?

My second question is. Is it possible to filter calendar to the specific element. I got 5 elements showing and would like to be able to filter them simililar to listname___elementname[match]=1.
Are you sure that:
  • Your Fabrik content plugin is installed and enabled. If not, enable it and try again.
  • K2 can process Joomla content plugins in its extra fields. If not, you'll have to find another way to include the viz
For the filtering thing, I've asked Rob to develop something similar to that but it appeared to be rather difficult to do. I don't know how this development is doing.
Thx for replay.

1. Yes, this plugin is enabled.
2. How about simple php code. Let's forget about K2. How can I put this calendar into template and into joomla content ?
If your fabrik plugin is enbled and you want to put your calendar (or map) in a Joomla article, you don't need PHP code: {fabrik view=visualization id=3} should do fine.

Regarding "put this calendar into template", I don't quite understand what you mean.
Well I am not sure that it would work since Fabrik is a extension and has to be run as one in order to render its visualizations. At the template level, no extension is actually run. That's how Joomla works, not Fabrik.
I guess you'd want that to have it on every page.
In that case you can use a Fabrik module to render the viz in a module position in your template (I guess there is one like for the forms and lists - if not, I assume it should not be too hard to make one).
For the map at least. For the calendar, you might run into display problem as it's quite large. I seem to remember that in old fabrik version, you had a "mini" calendar template (although I am not sure it worked well).
There's no fabrik viz module but in Joomla2.5 you can enable "prepare content" in Custom HTML modules and than just insert {fabrik view=...}
One more thing regarding calendar viz.

I know that most of the work is done by calendar.js - widths, heights and so on ...

In this example, where I build booking system for my client.
I don't understand why on the 23rd of May, which shows all bookings as taken, there is still some green area(still available).
I would like the script to calculate heights like that (nr. of elements per day / height of cell) that would give heights of elements equel to the total height of the cell.

Can I change it easily in calendar.js ? is it a bug ?
hi - no that's not going to be possible, those heights are calculated and the logic is quiet involved (relating to how many events occur during any given day)
I'm afraid the answer is pretty much "we don't know", and that code is extremely complex. It would be about a day of solid work to try and resolve this.

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