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How to link multiple lists to same form

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New Member
Hi all,

Building an application to allow users to review the info of their customers and related invoices, etc.
This application steers the work of the users and ensures different angles are covered. I therefore made 4 lists:
- list of all overdue customers, oldest overdue top down
- list of all overdue customers, largest overdue top down (same basis as previous, just different sort)
- list of all scheduled callbacks (different table, but with common denominator = customer account)
- list of all scheduled payment commitments (a 3rd table, , but with common denominator = customer account)

The challenge is to enable them to jump from all of those lists to the same form (not just one that looks alike), can this be done?

- If I change the form a group is related to, it creates a seperate copy of that group, and the 2nd list continues to be linked to the original group (even though if I change the form ID in the URL manually I DO get the right form with the right (chosen) customer displayed)

Any help would be appreciated, I have been kicking the issue around for over a week and it is crucial to the functionality of the application.

I'm unclear as to which of the four lists are actually built on the same underlying MySQL table.

To "jump to the same form", you can use the custom links, either in the List settings, or use an element as a clickable link. By using the {rowid} placeholder, you can specify the rowid of the clicked row. So to go to the "main" form from a copy of a list, you use ./index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=form&formid=123&rowid={rowid}, where 123 is the ID of the main form.

However, that assumes the form you are going to is built on the same table, and hence has the same rowid (PK values) for each row.

I don't advise moving groups around between forms, it's not something people do a lot, and we don't really test. Go with what Fabrik creates, and modify your "views" of lists by copying the whole list, then enabling / disabling things you do / don't want.

-- hugh
Thanks Hugh,

will try asap; it looks like your suggestion with {rowid} could solve the issue at least for the two identical lists with a different sort.
It would not however work for the other two.

What I have is a list with customer details "lst_customers" that is joined with to 2 other tables, "tbl_notes" and "tbl_invoicedetails".
All 3 sets of data have their place on the 1 form* / in the 1 group that I want all the lists to jump to.

The last 2 lists are based on these last 2 tables;
For tbl_notes: if I have for example 500 custoemrs in tbl_customers I could have notes for only 10 of those customers and therefore I want to jump from that list of 10 to the details (presented in that one form*)

For tbl_invoicedetails I would have >500 lines as a customer on average will have more than 1 invoice

Can I make this work? If not, what are feasible alternatives? Because if I understand your last remark correctly you would advise me to make the copies of the group and the form after all, which is not an option really, since it would require every change made on 1 form to be made on each of the copies seperatelya s well and that is both risky and time consuming?

Kind regards
Because if I understand your last remark correctly you would advise me to make the copies of the group and the form after all, which is not an option really, since it would require every change made on 1 form to be made on each of the copies seperatelya s well and that is both risky and time consuming?

When you copy a List, the copied elements initially become "linked", so any changes you make to the original are inherited by the copy. At any point you can unlink the copy, so it becomes autonomous.

If you add new elements to any of the copies (or the original), they get added to all copies. Depending on your group setup, they may wind up in a different group - I can't recall exactly how that code works, but I think we look for a group of the same name, if there isn't one, we'll just create the new element in the main default group.

For things like list and form plugins, yes, you would have to make the changes individually.

-- hugh
Hugh, thanks for the extensive answer; just came back from long business trip, sorry for not replying sooner. Will dig into this and let you know how things pan out.
another way to deal with 2 lists with different ordering would be to create two menu links to the same list. The Fabrik menu list option contains an order by option which takes preference over the list's order by option.
This has the advantage of avoiding list duplication.

that would work like a charm at least for the 2 different types of ordering of the same list. Where is the option? I checked under menu manager / edit menu item, but the only ordering I can find there is the ordering of the menu items in the dropdown?

Hugh (hope you're ok by the way), the above is the only open point remaining by the way. We have succesfully made various menu items over the same 1 list and set the visible fields and filters in each menu option. Only the sorting in that sme way seems a puzzle.

Hugh, we figured this out as well, will close the thread. This leaves only the columns issue in the other thread...
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