Import CSV works, Export CSV does nothing


This worked within the last few weeks, I don't think anything was updated since then, perhaps just the linux box itself. The Export CSV does nothing - it just sits. Import shows the new import window.

When hovering - the export URL just looks to take the current URL and add a # to the end. i.e (/my-reports)#

The import adds (my-reports)/import/13/csv to the url.

Any help appreciated-
Thanks - I agree - I saw a file that looks like it was created by the export - it was in the /tmp folder. General users can't get to it. I am not aware of any changes that would have caused this and I have updated from the master branch.
Sorry to pester on this. I am seeing some kind of reaction on the bottom of the screen now. I could swear this used to open up in a small pop-up/frame? It looks like it's trying to open at the bottom of the screen and then it just sits. Since the scroll bar is gone I can't scroll down to use it.

Thank you again-


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First thing, I committed a change which removes the feature that disables scrolling while the modal is open.

Second ... can you test this with the protostar template, see if it works?

I'm pretty sure there's something very funky going on with the Gantry template. Something is changing the CSS 'position' attribute from static to relative, between us opening the window in our window.js, and styling it in our list.js. Also, all of the modal CSS seems to be missing, so the window has no framing.

-- hugh
Yeah, pain in the backside. I do wish templates wouldn't mess with other people's DOM structures and inline styling.

I'm still working on it. For now, you could set that menu item to Protostar in the menu manage.

-- hugh
What template is that?

I've started trying to debug this locally, but I only have the new Gantry v5 Hydrogen installed, which doesn't seem to suffer from this problem.

-- hugh
Sorry I didn't see the second post you did. It's Gantry v4 with the base theme - BUT if Gantry v5 is working, then please don't fix this for me. I will update to G5 as I was planning to anyway. Pause this and I will confirm G5 is working. Thanks-

It works in Gantry 5, I've tested on the Hydrogen template, although the CSS styling is off - the content of the window overflows, but that's a much easier issue to fix.

-- hugh