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Inline edit dialog window shows highlight in IE

OK, it definitely seems to be a timing thing.

If I do this:

	setFocus : function (td) {
		if (typeOf(td.getElement('.fabrikinput')) !== 'null') {
			var el = td.getElement('.fabrikinput');
			setTimeout(function (el) {
			}, 1000);

... then when the box pops up, everything is selected, BEFORE the enclosure function fires. Which means that seems to be some artifact of IE, rather than us. Problem is, for reasons I don't quite understand, the el I'm passing to the func is null when the function actually runs, although it exists at the point I fire the setTimeout, so setting the focus isn't working.

Anyway, I suspect this may be the approach we have to take, unless Rob has a more elegant solution.

-- hugh
perhaps just add an ie test in here and dont focus for older versions of IE:

    setFocus : function (td) {
        if (Browser.ie && Browser.version < 10) {
        if (typeOf(td.getElement('.fabrikinput')) !== 'null') {
            var el = td.getElement('.fabrikinput');
            setTimeout(function (el) {
            }, 1000);
Or better still, simply check for ANY IE, and then ignore the focus. IE causes more problems than anything else and I am sure the user will not notice focus is not selected.

I know setting a focus is handy, but I personally think that setting a timer to handle deficiencies in browsers is making more trouble for one self.

making more trouble for one self.
LOL that might well be our new strapline :D
Ok I've added a test for IE to the code, could you update and see if that fixes your issue?

Nope, it doesn't. The problem is, that it's something in IE which is doing that selection, which we need to undo with a focus.

If you set a breakpoint at the start of setFocus in IE and in FF, you'll see that in FF, when when it breas, the popup is already being displayed, with nothing selected.

In IE, the popup is not yet displayed when we hit setFocus().

-- hugh
well this is the problem, I don't see the problem in IE, hence my hacking around in the dark to try to 'solve' it. Hugh if you can replicate this would you mind trying to fix?
Hi Rob, Hugh

After the latest GIT update.....

Urgent problem, I get this error message with ALL inline edits now.

The message shows in the cell of the value.

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_element/user/user.php on line 758

Also the following appears when I show some lists......

Notice: Undefined index: scores___course in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_list/inlineedit/inlineedit.php on line 98
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_list/inlineedit/inlineedit.php on line 100
Notice: Undefined index: scores___course in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_list/inlineedit/inlineedit.php on line 104
Notice: Undefined index: scores___tournament in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_list/inlineedit/inlineedit.php on line 98
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_list/inlineedit/inlineedit.php on line 100
Notice: Undefined index: scores___tournament in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_list/inlineedit/inlineedit.php on line 104

Thanks, appreciate it, as it affects our live site.

I did not pick this up on our testing site when we updated from GIT.

This has occurred in the last 3 or 4 days GIT updates, as before this, updates were OK.



PS: Some more errors in lists displays which might help.

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_element/time/time.php on line 426 Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_element/time/time.php on line 426 Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_element/time/time.php on line 426 Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_element/time/time.php on line 426
very urgent bump.

I rolled back a week from GIThub and this problem still persists, so I am not sure where it has crept in.

I found if I disabled INLINEEDIT in all 20 of my lists then the problem goes away, so it is definitely with the inlineedit plugin.

Furthermore, I get this error when using the TIME plugin, and only way to stop it is is to unpublish the element. This I cannot do.

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_element/time/time.php on line 426

This message is shown for EACH record of a list.

These plugins were never a problem, so I do not know where it has resurfaced.

All my DEBUG options are off, unless there is somewhere else I need to switch off.

As murphy would have it, a brand new client picked up this problem up on our site, so I am anxious to get it resolved asap.


ok that's why I didn't see the inline plugins in the last post I replied to you with.
The time plugin notice should be fixed in git - i've applied that to http://www.golfscore.co.za/
I'll now set up a inline edit test to see what's happening.

I now also see a similar error message occurs for the slider element when I edit a form with a slider. (http://www.golfscore.co.za/index.php/setup/configure-golftv)

"Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_element/slider/slider.php on line 119"

Everything was working perfectly for a while now on the site, then all of a sudden I get multiple errors on various aspects after a GITUpdate, so I'm kinda thinking that it cant be element specific, but perhaps library specific.


Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_element/user/user.php on line 758
This one should be fixed, It lead me down the path of figuring out why your inline edit plugin was not loading the selected data the first time it was loaded. So I believe that to also be fixed.

I also fixed an odd one on 'Teeoff Times' where the update col plugin following the inline-edit plugin would stop the inline edit from working.
Hugh if you read this it was due to the update_col plugin testing if it could use elements, which down the line, triggered the group model to ask the plugin manager to call 'onCanEditGroup'. I've added a test in element Model canUse() to see if we are rendering in the list view and if so not to ask the group if its visible. This may well have some unforseen consequences though.
"Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_element/slider/slider.php on line 119"
Should be fixed as well. The bug here was that you had a slider label '0', which we were filtering out. So the label index started at 1 and not 0.

Everything was working perfectly for a while now on the site, then all of a sudden I get multiple errors on various aspects after a GITUpdate,
I think there's a mixture of issues, some like the slider I don't think relate to the git update, but perhaps to a change in PHP error reporting levels on the server? The issue for the slider would have been present for a couple of years at least.
Notice: Undefined index: scores___course in /usr/www/users/indooatxdt/golfscore.co.za/plugins/fabrik_list/inlineedit/inlineedit.php on line 98
I'm looking at this one now...... will post back when its fixed
ok fixed that,
I think it might have been me that altered the error reporting level when I looked at the chart viz. Sorry! I've now set it back to the server default (it was on maximum)
Many thanks, I had a sneaky suspicion it was something like this, but could not find where low level error messages are set, and this popped up soon after you have checked the viz out for me.

Is this setting on Fabrik level or Joomla?

Its a Joomla setting found in the 'server' tab of Joomla's global configuration section.
Hugh if you read this it was due to the update_col plugin testing if it could use elements, which down the line, triggered the group model to ask the plugin manager to call 'onCanEditGroup'. I've added a test in element Model canUse() to see if we are rendering in the list view and if so not to ask the group if its visible. This may well have some unforseen consequences though.

I think that should be OK. I hadn't really thought about it being called in a list view.

-- hugh
Hi Guys,

Just tested on IE9 and the problem still persists.

I do have latest GIT update
