Inlineedit error


Dear friends,
I've a table which is inner joined with the user table (comprofiler o users). In the first table I've activated the inlineedit plugin over some fields.
When I select one upgradable field, it is changed but a notice (error) is shown.
I've solved by setting (in the php.ini file) display_errors=off, but this procedure seems to me a not elegant patch: is there any real solution to this problem?
Thank you,

Im not sure that the inline editor works with joined data to be honest
Whats the notice that is given?
Dear Rob,
the error is:

Notice: Undefined index: join in /home/mhd-01/ on line 1576

but the data is correctly stored. You could take a look at the test web site:

Username: testadmin
Passwd: mytest

After logged, select the pulse "Grade - List". You can then edit both field "attendance" and grade. The error appears but the data is correctly stored.

Many many thanks...

That line number doesn't match the current code on github, so it's hard to know what the issue is.

Can you update to the latest github, and tell us the new line number it shows for the error?

To update, download the latest github snapshot from:

... unzip it, and upload the content to your server, overwriting the existing code.

-- hugh
Dear Hugh,
I've updated the site with the last Github version Fabrik-fabrik-3.0.4-185-ge72a73f.

This is the error (which occurs for every upgradable field):

Notice: Undefined index: join in /home/mhd-01/ on line 1598

I hope you and Rob can fix this problem.
Thank you for your availability.


Hi Rob,
I've updated again the site (Fabrik-fabrik-3.0.4-227-g6cf1056), both on local and remote, and the error remains. In this case it's localized on line 1623:

Notice: Undefined index: join in /home/mhd-01/ on line 1623

which corresponds to the code-line:

$tmpdata = $this->_formData['join'][$group->join_id];

Thank you for your attention.

PS. In spite of recommended joomla settings, I prefer to leave php errors visible (display_errors = on)
I think this is because, as Rob says, he just hasn't gotten as far as handling joined data in the inline edit plugin. This plugin is very much "work in progress", and either works for specific instances, or doesn't.

We're gradually fixing issues and improving it. Obviously next on the list will be working with joined data. But we don't have a timetable for it.

-- hugh
Hi Hugh,
thank you for your attention. Despite the error (notice), the plugin seems to store correctly updated values in the database, also with inner joined data (as in my case). Now I'll attempt to hide the errors (.htaccess ???): what do you think about?
Typically you shouldn't run a live site with error reporting at the notice / warning level.

I can't really give a definitive answer. Obviously something isn't quite right, otherwise it wouldn't be pitching that warning. But warnings are often harmless, and this one could be.

So ... if it works for you, yes, just turn your reporting level down a notch on the live site.

No doubt sooner or later we'll resolve the underlying issue.

-- hugh
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