JavaScript errors in Fullcalendar visualization


I am experiencing a few errors when using the new and latest Fullcalendar visualization.

When I try to delete an entry from the calendar-view:
Error in line 2: Uncaught TypeError: this.deleteEntry is not a function

When I try to edit an entry from the calendar-view:
Error in line 2: Uncaught TypeError: this.editEntry is not a function

Both errors come from the following JavaScript-file:


When I view an entry from the calendar-view (which actually works):
Error in line 78: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'regexPatterns' of undefined

This error comes from this JavaScript-file:


-- Arjan
Last night, I did an update from GitHub and tested the functionality of the Fullcalendar

Here are the results:

  • Single click on an existing entry views the entry, so that is working
  • Double click on an existing entry only views the entry, there is no option to edit or delete the entry
  • When adding a new entry, the startdate is not filled with the date of the clicked day

-- Arjan
OK, we'll get to those when we can.

BTW, did you set the "Show full details" option on the viz? That controls what happens on a single click - either popup a details view, or popup a summary with the three buttons (view, edit, delete).

-- hugh
Sounds like it's doing what it's supposed to be doing then. To get the popup with the view/edit/delete options, turn Show Full Details off.

-- hugh
You both ('achartier' mentioned it also) were right about the Full View Option. I kinda missed that one :-( Thanks for pointing it out... I changed the setting and when I click an existing entry it will show the delete/edit/view buttons. So that looks good to me. But...... Something strange happens: when I click an event that only occupies a day, I briefly see the popup but then it immediately disappears. When I click an entry that occupies more than one day it stays into view, but I refuses to disappear when I click the X- button to close the popup.

About the date: the clicked date is not showing up in when the calendar is being clicked in any view.

-- Arjan
Our good friend 'achartier' found the problem with the popup when clicking a existing event. He PR-ed the changes so they are waiting for you to merge.

-- Arjan
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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