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Javascript works for Members, Not Public


Caaan do!
I have these elements that show or hide based on a selection made on a radiobutton. Here is what i have cooking:

On Load: When this element "rating" == "", hide element "reviews.review_notes"
On Change: When this element "rating" < "4", show element "reviews.review_notes"
On Load: When this element "rating" == "", hide element "reviews.post_review"
On Change: When this element "rating" > "3", show element "reviews.post_review"

When I have a user logged in the javascript works fine. When I load the page as a public user, JS is no bueno. I thought it might be a permissions thing, but when I disable the JS, all the elements show.

Any ideas?

Sorry for the belated response. Had a brief stint in the hospital.

SO, check out this example page https://www.networkinaction.com/index.php/reviews?&reviews___member_id=1707

The URL uses the member ID to pull facebook and google info if the rating is 4 or 5. if the rating is 3 or below, there is a textarea element that should show. BUT neither of these javascript actions are taking place UNLESS you are logged in. What gives. It should work whether you are logged in or not.

I notice an issue with JS too. I've made an github update today and it seems okay.

With github update from 18.04.2019 (modified 05.04.2019) everything works well.

@ SoilentRed:
  1. Do you use different tables for Members and Public
  2. Does the JS work readonly?
  3. Did you check in your elements?
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Login credentials sent! Thanks for taking a look. Let me know if there is anything else you need there.

@bea ,
1. we do not use different tables
2. I don't know how to test if the js works readonly. Where would the ticket for that be?
3. I checked me elements insofar as what I know to check. Again, they work when logged in, not on public view.

Thanks for your help and let me know if there is anything else that you need.
Thanks. You think it might work if the JS was manually written? 'nuther thought: Might this have something to do with my caching app, jotcache?
So, I switched this page to the Beez3 Template, and the JS SEEMS to work on a public view. I don't understand the difference, but perhaps this might better inform us how to examine the problem.
I removed protostar a while back. If I recall it had something to do with the way the styling was affecting fabrik on my Jomsocial template. Memory is hazy though. I'll see about reinstalling it and what result it yields.
Okay, I have it installed. and this is interesting. it works with Beez3 but NOT protostar
Another interesting thing is that the beez3 template does not reflect the option for "button group" I ticked to "yes"