Joined records not being created

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Hello All,
I have a many to many join set up as follows (based on the tutorial):

List 1 - Leads : elements include id, first name, last name, email address
List 2 - Events: elements include id, title, venue, date
List 3 - Event_Participants: elements include id, name (db join onto List 1), title (db join onto List 2)

I set up the joins in List 1 and List 2.

When I look at the data in either List 1 or List 2 I can see the form and I get the +/- symbols to add related records. If I click the + symbol I get the correct fields to complete and the drop down's are working and displaying the correct data.

However when I click save on a record the related records are not being created.

Any ideas gratefully received.


just a quick update. I added another join to this list (a one to many) and it is also not creating records in the joined list.
However I do have another list with a join on this site and it is working as expected so it isn't a site wide issue.

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How did you setup the joins in detail?

Are all id and dbjoin elements published and writable for the logged-in user?
Hello Troester,

from what I can see all of the id and dbjoin elements are public so any logged in users should have access. All ID and dbjoin elements are published.

Just had a quick look at the table in the db, not to sure about the structure but it is labelled astgf_fabrik_joins so I am guessing I am in the correct place! I can see a field labelled join_from_table and in some of the rows this is empty (null). That seems to be the ones which relate to a dbjoin element rather than a join on a list.

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Hey, I'm at J! Day Houston atm, I was on the road yesterday. I'll take a look at this probably tomorrow (Sunday). Sorry about the delay.

-- hugh
I have the one to many joins working without any errors. I am still struggling with the many to many join, been through it several times and not able to see the error which is undoubtedly mine!

I logged in and fixed it, replied to your PM.

Problem was how you had set up the join in the list settings. You had it joining from to, instead of from to participants.event (your join on the participants pointing to the parent event, aka the Foreign Key, or FK).

So when we were writing out the new joined rows, we were trying to overwrite the joined row's PK (id) with the FK value, instead of setting the actual FK.

-- hugh
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