Joined Table on Form - Refresh on New


Active Member
Seeking advice.

I have a joined table in the list settings - this shows up as a repeat group in my form. I am needing a way to populate the form after the user enters the linked key (TT#) into the form element. As it is now - it will only show the joined table after the initial save.

Is there a way to refresh the page after the user enters that TT# so that the repeat joined table populates the form on the first submission?

Thanks -
Meh. This is one of those questions I dread people asking, as it's something I want to do, but it's insanely difficult.

I'm researching a way of doing it, and maybe I'll get it working soon.

-- hugh
Thanks Hugh...I can only imaging. BTW - my other question regarding the HTML table is something I was thinking of as a work around - but this method would certainly be preferable and cleaner obviously.

This would definitely be a huge feature if you are able to get it done!
It can be done using the autofill plugin, but I've never tried that with a repeat group. And I know the autofill code is a little brittle when it comes to repeat groups.

-- hugh
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