Joomla Search Plugin: Limit ignored


New Member

I like the Joomla search plugin, which works great. With one exception: the search limit specified in the plugin options is completely ignored! Which is bad for us, as we have a big database which will then completely clutter the search results.

Just to clarify: I'm talking about the Joomla search, not the search field inside Fabrik.

Could you have a look into this? Thanks!
* Gentle bump *. I thought this should be rather easy to resolve. Or am I wrong? Sorry for bothering you again, but it would help me a lot if you could find a solution for this issue.
Works like a charm, thanks!

Now would be nice if we could translate the limit message ...
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So you've added the fix manually? (it's only a pull request, not yet merged in GitHub)

I can't get it to fetch a language string from xxx.ini or xxx.sys.ini file.
But I've changed the message a little bit (_ instead of blanks), now you can add a language override (add Some_records_are_not_shown_due_to_search_limitations as "Language Constant" and the text you want to see).
I think to use a language string you'd have to specifically load the language file. It won't get loaded automagically, as this code won't be running on an option=com_fabrik page. So something like ...

        // load the admin language
        $language = JFactory::getLanguage();
        $language->load('com_fabrik', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);

... inside the 'if' where you do the FText::_().

Or it could go in the front end lang file with ...

        // load the front end language
        $language = JFactory::getLanguage();

... or we could create a specific plg_system_fabrik language file and just use that, which would be more efficient (our language files are pretty big).

-- hugh
ok, done.
@zofx : so you have to create ...\plugins\system\fabrik\language\xx-XX\xx-XX.plg_system_fabrik.ini
for your language or you can override the language string PLG_FABRIK_SYSTEM_SEARCH_LIMIT
Great! Of course, I wanted to test it, so i applied the fix manually :). Now with the translation that's all I could wish for! Many thanks for your great support!