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Joomla! web site down and a Fabrik error after upgrading to Kunena 2.0.4!

Hello, my web site has gone down after upgrading to kunena 2.0.4 from the J! 2.5 inner upgrade function (Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class JForm in /home/[...]/administrator/components/com_fabrik/classes/form.php on line 43)!
All my previouses Kunena upgarades by using the Joomla! upgrade feature was ok.
How to fix it without to reinstalla an old copy of it pls?
Thank you.
I know there is a conflict with Kunena because of their JForm class that has the same name as one in Fabrik, but this is suppose to have been fixed a long time ago.
I am a little confused about the Fabrik version you are using since your site seems to be J 2.5 but you post in the Fabrik 2 forum, and Fabrik 2 works only with J! 1.5.
Anyway, if you are running Fabrik 3.0 (as you should with J! 2.5), try to update it to the latest GitHub version (links in my signature).

As to revert to a previous version, it is always best to do an Akeeba backup prior to upgrading anything in the site, so you can restore it easily if something goes wrong. If you have not done that, you can always re-install a previous version of Kunena (it is also a good practice to keep a copy of older version of the extensions you are using for this kind of emergency).
If you can confirm what version of Fabrik you are using, and the exact J! version, I'll try installing the latest Kunena, and take a look.

-- hugh
Hello, sorry for having posted in the wrong forum. You was right! The web site is Joomla! 2.5 and Fabrik is 3.03. I wonder how to install an old version of Kunena if the web site is no more accessible (neither the backend)?

Thank you.
If you have fabrik 3.0.3, you should start by updating to the latest version (3.0.8). You should use the download version from GitHub since you don't have access to the backend. This update is done via FTP so you don't need to connect to the admin to update.
Maybe this update will fix the issue.
I'm unable to install Kunena 3.0.0 on J! 2.5. Or rather, it installs, but then blows up when trying to do the automated setup step, complaining about an undefined constant, KPATH_ADMIN.

I'll see if I can debug that, then see what the issue with the JForm class is.

OK, to get back in to your backend, you'll need to run phpMyAdmin (or whatever you use for accessing your database), look in your #_extensions table, and find the row for the "System - Fabrik" plugin. Set "enabled" to 0.

That'll turn off the Fabrik system plugin, which is where the class name clash is happening.

This will break Fabrik, but you'll be able to load the backend.

Meanwhile I'll see if I can fix this. I remember this problem happening a few years ago, just can't off the top of my head remember how we resolved it.

-- hugh
OK, I've committed part of the fix to github.

The other things you'll need to do is make sure the "System - Fabrik" plugins runs before the Kunena system plugin. If you've managed to disable our system plugin, do that in the regular plugin manager, by modifying the 'ordering' as usual. Or you can edit the #_extensions as described in my previous post, and set 'ordering' for the Fabrik system plugin to -1.

-- hugh
Yes, after having disabled in the #-extensions table the system_fabrik_plugin I regained the access to the administrative panel; I then updated Fabrik with the latest github. Another issue was to uninstall the Kunena extension (for install the release with no issue). It is not sufficient to use the usual procedure; you have to uninstall all of the Kunena items (as in the usual procedure) and to delete all of related tables, see here: http://www.kunena.org/docs/Downgrading_Kunena The release does not conflict with Fabrik is the to the 2.0.4; I then re-enabled the system_fabrik_ plugin and all right now. I tried to install the latest kunena 3.0 and the web site went down again! One thing only, what do you mean by: " Or you can edit the #_extensions as described in my previous post, and set 'ordering' for the Fabrik system plugin to -1.". Thank you.
Is there any solution to this yet? I have updated from github, but there is still a conflict around JForm class.
I need to run the latest versions of kunena and fabrik on Joomla 3