Link to Detailed Record


New Member

I want to display only a few fields of info in my table for public view. (first and last name, date and an image).

Without linking to a detailed record it looks fine, but when I try to make the names link to a detailed record, it adds links to either view or add for all the other fields that are not supposed to show in table view.

How can I fix this?

Fabrik 1.0.5

I'm working on getting the site up on accessible server so I can share as well.

That is the page that I'm displaying my table.

NOTE: I can hide the unwanted fields with CSS, but I'd rather they not be there at all.

If you need to log in to the admin area, let me know.

I'm now getting an error when I try to view my database from the Admin.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 77824 bytes) in /home/tolsdeve/public_html/fwc/includes/sef.php on line 89

How do I go about styling the detail page? I need to re-arrange some elements.

Thanks in advance.
You need to set PHP's max memory to 64MB to run Fabrik effectively. 8MB is not enough.

PM me with a backend login. Include a link back to this thread.

-- hugh
After some more fidgeting, I figured out what is causing this to happen.

Under the Data Tab in the table, Tables with database join elements linking to this table has values default to yes. I set them to no and saved which solved it.

However, every time I go in to edit the table, it changes the default back to yes...very annoying.