Link to Details w/ Ajaxify


This might be a bug. That or I'm just doing something wrong in the setup.

Anyway, I noticed a strange behavior with one of my lists today. I set the name element from this list to "Link to details." When I loaded a fresh copy of the list and clicked on a name, the details record showed up as expected. When I filtered the list through a search however the links would break and give me a 404 error. I tested this on another list as well and got the same result. I was able to prevent this behavior by disabling "ajaxify" on the list, but now my page loads every time the list is sorted. Not a huge deal, but slightly annoying.

Anyone know what is going on here?
I just noticed something else though. I have a custom link set for the "link to details" on the list in question. When the list first loads, this custom link works fine, as I mentioned above. After filtering however, my custom link gets ignored and the default link is used.

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