link with eval


hi all,

i have a list that shall be edited by some people if another field has a certain value. in the menu, i have selected the pre-filter to make sure, the person sees only his own records. perfect.

if i use the link plugin, i cannot add the eval (to make the link visible only if that criteria is active).
if i use the php plugin, i have the problem that i cannot easily open another form than the one that is the base for the list (i recently had this here in the forum).

is there any chance that we could have the link plugin with an eval, when it shall be enabled or not? What do you think Hugh, how much time would that need to develop?

The problem is that we don't currently have a mechanism for list plugins to run anything on a per-row basis, to do with their buttons. We call all the list plugins once, and build an array of the markup for their buttons, then just insert that into every row.

So it would require some restructuring of the core code, rather than just adding a feature to the link plugin.

I'm looking at it now, to see if I can get a sense of how easy / difficult it would be.

-- hugh
The problem is that we don't currently have a mechanism for list plugins to run anything on a per-row basis, to do with their buttons. We call all the list plugins once, and build an array of the markup for their buttons, then just insert that into every row.

So it would require some restructuring of the core code, rather than just adding a feature to the link plugin.

I'm looking at it now, to see if I can get a sense of how easy / difficult it would be.

-- hugh

Hi Hugh,

what if we keep the same button but on submit, we run a php routine and if positive, the link opens, if negative, we can give out a message and go back to the list? that would also be ok with me :)

That would be a fair amount of work as well, and not nearly as useful in the long run. I'm looking at adding a new option so any list plugin can have a per-row evel'ed condition for showing the icon or not.

-- hugh
I haven't had a chance to figure it out yet. I've isolated where it needs to happen, but haven't yet figured out a good way of doing it. I'm working on a 3.5.3 release atm (to fix some issues with 3.5.2), as soon as I get that out, I'll go to work on this.

-- hugh
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