Linking to related tables

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OK, the prev/next is now working, showing the images properly.

I put your customized fabrik.html.php PHP back in place.

NOTE that I haven't committed the changes for the prev/next stuff to SVN yet, so you are running a custom version of Fabrik - be careful about upgrading from SVN. The changed files are fabrik_table.class.php and view.raw.php.

I'll need to do some more testing here before committing them to SVN.

-- hugh
thanks Hugh!

However, I noticed RokBox is still off. I turned it back on, which caused the AJAX to break again. That needs to be on for the maps on the contact page.

Also, all the thumbs on all the fabrik tables have gone missing.

A couple examples:

If you would, please look to see why a simple query gets all jacked up on my template.
it's the projects table template line 37. Like I said yesterday, I echoed out a query that's different than what's being passed to mysql_fetch_assoc() according to PHP.

The page that it's related to:[value]=11&fabrik__cursor=2&fabrik__total=3

Thanks, hope to talk to you today.
ok, I just changed my contact page so that my fabrik contact form is included instead. I added the lightbox code to the images instead of rokbox and it works.

scratch that off the list of immediate concerns.
That was easy ... the thumbnail issue was a little bug I'd introduced last night when fixing Upload elements in repeat groups. I fixed it last night, but forgot to re-upload the affect file to your site (which happened to be the same file I was working on for the prev/next bug).

-- hugh
OK, you had numerous problems with that template code, so I rewrote it from scratch:

            //  check to see if it's the right filter ...
            if (strstr($filter->element, 'type_of_service')) {
                global $database;
                // grab the value='Whatever' from the formatted $filter->element text (which is an HTML form input string)
                $matches = array();
                $match = preg_match("#value='(.+?)'#",$filter->element,$matches);
                if (!empty($match)) {
                    // we got a match, which should be a PK value for the Services table, so lets query it
                    $descsql = "SELECT description FROM jos_fabrik_formdata_7 WHERE fabrik_internal_id = '" . $matches[1] . "'";
                    $servicedescription = $database->loadResult();
                    // just in case SQL errors creep in, echo any error message
                    echo $database->getErrorMsg();
                else {
                    $servicedescription = "Ooops!  No description found";
It's working now.

OK, that's about all I can do for you by way of detailed / hands on assistance on this particular project, at least under the heading of 'day to day support'.

If you need additional assistance, we'll have to start a Commercial Service thread, and do it in little paid steps. To give you an idea, the above would have been about a $20 job.

-- hugh
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