List Email Plugin - Address Book



I'm trying to set a list email plugin, where I would use an Address Book to populate the Get email address from field.

The list (crm_history) where I want to set the pulgin have a field called CustomerKeyId. The list I want to use as Address Book also have a field with the same name.

I would like to "filter" the records from the Address Book list where the CustomerKeyId is the same.

I've tried to set the WHERE clause as the image shows, but with no avail.

Is there a way to accomplish this?

Thanks in advance.

Do you get an error or is it showing all adresses or none?
Did you try ...CustomerId_raw} ?
If I force a customer ID, like 80..

it works:


If I use the placeholder:


It gets infinite loop.

This placeholder is coming from the list where the email plugin is applied to.

Any clue?
Check in the browser console and network tab.
I assume the network response is showing some error or warning, so breaking the expected JSON response.
check "Preserve log" in the network tab so it's not clearing old entries on page load
in the code try
{thistable}.CustomerKeyId = ...
(maybe it's a "ambigious column" MySQL error)
Also quote the placeholder.

If it's either not numeric or empty, not being quoted with throw a MySQL error.

-- hugh
Hello. I've tried this:

CustomerKeyId = 80 -> worked
CustomerKeyId = '80' -> worked

{thistable}.`CustomerKeyId` = '80' -> failed
{thistable}.`CustomerKeyId` = 80 -> failed
{thistable}.CustomerKeyId = '80' -> failed
{thistable}.CustomerKeyId = 80 -> failed
{thistable}.CustomerKeyId = '{crm_history___CustomerKeyId}' -> failed
{thistable}.CustomerKeyId = '{crm_history___CustomerKeyId_raw}' -> failed
{thistable}.`CustomerKeyId` = '{crm_history___CustomerKeyId}' -> failed
{thistable}.`CustomerKeyId` = '{crm_history___CustomerKeyId_raw}' -> failed

If I have this:
CustomerKeyId = '{crm_history___CustomerKeyId}' or
CustomerKeyId = '{crm_history___CustomerKeyId_raw}' or
`CustomerKeyId` = '{crm_history___CustomerKeyId}' or
`CustomerKeyId` = '{crm_history___CustomerKeyId_raw}' or
or this:
CustomerKeyId = '{customerscontacts___CustomerKeyId}' ( this is in case I've swapped the lists...)

The result is this, the box is not populated...


I've also checked if there are any customers records on the list, and there are.

Another question is. This are Fabrik lists linked to existing CRM application tables, ie, It's not "pure" Fabrik lists.

I'm without options now.

Do you have any other idea? Maybe I can give you access to the site...



  • upload_2018-11-9_7-3-46.png
    101 KB · Views: 218
Which exact Joomla and Fabrik are you running?
Do you have Joomla's error reporting set to max?
I'm using Joomla and Fabrik 3.9.
I've set the error level to Max or Development, and there's no errors.

With this:

I just get this:


With this:

I just get this:

If this is the same site as the one with the ACL issue, I could look at it at the same time, as per my reply on the other thread.

-- hugh
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