Login to unfuddle fails for fabrik 2 using Tortoise SVN

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I can't duplicate this at all. I just checked out a fresh copy using those URL's and credentials, seems to work fine in my Tortoise.

I'm at a loss for what to suggest.

-- hugh

maybe I am too stupid but I cannot login with Tortoise SVN to fabrik 2.
Using the Browser it works like this:
user: fabrik_anonymous
pw: anonymous

Using the same data it fails with Tortoise (latest version)

It works also for fabrik 1.0.5 with Tortoise SVN to the URL http://fabrik.unfuddle.com/svn/fabrik_fabrik104/1.0.x/trunk

Do you have an idea what could be wrong using Tortoise?


have you tried using just: anonymous
as the user instead of fabrik_anonymous? I have a vague memory of that changing a bit ago... It's vague though so it might be an aftershock from something else that I was thinking about :p.

James and Susan
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