Looking for help to code SMS send function Clickatell

dont be so hard on yourself! ok i get success response too but likewise no actual text message - the clickatell dashboard says "out of credit" so i'll get the client to dig deep!
Hi I am now creating a list email plugin for the send SMS function - however the modal is not loading the email fields like it should http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/email-list-plugin/#example-screen-shot instead it loads the joomla backend - can anyone confirm this issue too?
I have tried setting up the plugin for both email and sms with the same problem see screen shot.


FYI I have another list configured for email sending and the same issue happens - the modal momentarily loads the Email then is replaced with the fabrik dashboard as shown in previous post.
All the other fields have been left as the fabrik default from when i installed the email list plugin
I just tested the list email plugin with default settings on a different site with older version of fabrik 3.5.1 with j 3.8.3 and i can confirm the modal loads correctly (as shown in the example screen shot) I tried another site running j385 and f381 and got the broken modal again.
I can't replicate this.

Which site is this on? I'd need to see the page.

And ... are you running latest github? I have made a few changes to the list email plugin in the last week or so, although none that would fix/break what you are seeing. I think.

-- hugh
Hi its in the Test Site for clickatell - seems to not work in the backend - frontend just hangs on the modal
And actually, thinking about it, I should probably modify that other change I made to do with normalizing links, so it doesn't do it in text mode (otherwise you'll get an HTML page being texted).

So hang tight for a minute ...

-- hugh
Excellent thank you- its working perfectly.

To massage the numbers into the required format i added an eval to the phone element
return '353'.'{xxx_reg_list2___phone}';
Then in the Format String
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