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mail don't send after complet form

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Your element name is Cotisation
your column name in DB is cotisation

As I've told you in your other threads make sure they are EXACTLY the same.
l change in fabrik 'Cotisation' in 'cotisation' (however in phpmyadmin it write 'cotisation' ; without capital ....) and now the error message a missing when enter parameter in email plug in ....

but the mail don't send again and when l disconnect or connect on the website front l have this error message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::getForm() in /home/reseaus8/public_html/fabrik/components/com_fabrik/views/form/view.base.php on line 56
I don't see that error on the front end of your site. Is it on the default home page, or some other page?

-- hugh
Is the 'inscription-adherents' form page supposed to load an existing profile form for the user?

Did you rebuild your site at some point, and recreate users? I did have a test form which had my userid on it (26), but my test user ID seems to have changed, all your users now seem to be in the 200+ range for ID's.

-- hugh
In fact, the error message appears only in the following cases:
I complet the form in the link "http://fabrik.reseausolidaire.fr/index.php/inscription-adherents", so I automatically connected and if I disconnect on the site and then the message appears :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::getForm() in /home/reseaus8/public_html/fabrik/components/com_fabrik/views/form/view.base.php on line 56

If l connect on the website again later whith the account ....the error message don't appear ....

the problem of IDuser l remeber l just change the name of element 'id' to the form to 'userid' for it are more clear ....is gravius ?
OK ... that setup isn't going to work.

Your 'iduser' element is the Primary Key of your "plateforme_adherents2" table. But you are also using it as the "User ID" field for your juser plugin. Which means that the form's row gets written out with an auto-incremented PK value, then the juser plugin runs, and immeditaely tries to overwrite that value with the newly created J! user ID.

Your juser "User ID" has to be a separate element on the form, NOT the PK. So your plateforme_adherents2 has it's own PK ('id'), and a separate foreign key ('iduser') which relates to the J! users table.

-- hugh
ok l think l anderstand the problem but for be concrete , when you speak :
Your juser "User ID" has to be a separate element on the form, NOT the PK.
'separate element ' what is ? what type of element must be creat ?
to be clear PK is a elemnt of type 'internalid' no ?

maybe l anderstand : l must creat two element 'internalid' while one is a link to le plug in juser
sorry for my bad understanding....
Yes you are correct, PK is the internal id element
You just need to create a hidden field element called 'user_id' and set the JUser form plugin to store the user id in that field.
see my reply on the other thread, you need to create and add your own Mandrill API key
l do exaacly what you write and l have this error message after complet form : and no mail send...

Could not send email to wikimedia33@gmail.com
Could not send email to fabrikar@gmail.com

and when l disconnect the new user creat after complet form l have this error message :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::getForm() in/home/reseaus8/public_html/fabrik/components/com_fabrik/views/form/view.base.php on line 56
I'm closing this thread as its an exact duplicate of the other thread :) Lets save a bit of time and only reply once ;)
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