Meta Tags Missing from Frabik List View

I'm using the GitHib release of Fabrik with Joomla 3.4. For a Fabrik List, the Keywords and Description Meta tags from the Joomla Menu entry were not showing up.

I compared /components/com_fabrik/views/form/view.html.php with /components/com_fabrik/views/list/view.html.php and it seemed like some code was missing.

To fix the problem, I added the following lines to the list view
$this->state = $this->get('State');
$this->params = $this->state->get('params');

before this line:
if (!$app->isAdmin() && isset($this->params))
This second line after the if statement was redundant, so I commented it out:
$this->state = $this->get('State');
Yeah, except that change broke a bunch of stuff. troester committed a fix.

That's teach me not to test, LOL!

But thanks for at least pushing us in the right direction, anyway.

-- hugh
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