Missing urlencoding


New Member
To be able to turn a link on and off, I've made a Calc element, which basically takes the input from a Field element {fb_turneringer___turneringsnavn} and wraps it in a href link.

My problem is that the link somehow misses an urlencoding, which means I don't get the entire text from the Field element in the url, because it is words separated by spaces.

Under here is the coding in the Calculation field


if ($valg == 1)
return '<a href=/index.php/staevner?option=com_content&view=article&id=1&intern={fb_turneringer___intern_kontakt_raw}&staevneid={fb_turneringer___id_raw}&kreds={fb_turneringer___kreds}&turnering={fb_turneringer___turneringsnavn}>{fb_turneringer___turneringsnavn}</a>';

if ($valg == 0)
return ($navn);

Am I missing something obvious?

Regards Niels Kliim
So are you saying that your link displays with the spaces missing from the linked text in b_turneringer___turneringsnavn?

-- hugh
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